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Story Time: The But Or Maybe Not? – Part 2 (The End)

by Abigail Oladokun
3 minutes read

No Mom, he is just fine, but why did you ask? Is that meant to be a question? Why is he hypersalivating…..Oh! That’s the way he speaks and gesticulates. And you don’t see anything wrong there…. Are you okay with someone like that? I know, he is intelligent, purpose driven and well-to do BUT. Are you ready to deal with this bad oral habit as a plus with the marriage package?

Mom you’re hurting my feelings! There is no but! I love him! Anne walked out on her Mom and went straight to the room and locked her door.

Mom, returned back to the table, and met Kwesi holding a very interesting intellectual discuss on the new emergence of free-thinkers amongst the 21st century creatives and employees.

He was of the option that….Intellectual ideas are controversial because most people previously aren’t free thinkers. When an idea goes against the predominantly held belief especially religion, most people go through a state of Cognitive dissonance, a state wherein new ideas challenge a belief that’s been held for a very long time like religion.

Dad believes that everyone has the right to freely express his or herself according to their mental paradigms. And, if that thought pattern challenges an existing ideology that it should be researched upon… there in lies weighty discovery.

Mom, on the other hand, was really uncomfortable with Kwesi. To think that Anne walked out on her because of Him. She took the pepper soup and left the table. Dad noticed her sad disposition and enquired are you well? We will talk later, kindly round up this feast. It has been a long day indeed! Oh well! She yawns and walked into the bedroom.

Before the sun shined the next morning, Anne ran straight into her parents room with apologies filling the air. I’m sorry for walking out yesterday. I was just pressured and overwhelmed with your first impression about him Mom.

Hmmmmmm said you know, I discussed with your Mom, last night on the whole concern. I like Kwesi, he is an ambitious young man who is purpose-driven and quite intelligent. I don’t think the hypersa… Or what do you called it my dear? Mom chorused “hypersalivating”. It don’t think it is a big issue. In as much as he has the appropriate oral care as required. I love his mindset and way of thinking.

Thank you Dad! You’re the best dad ever!, Anne shouted with Joy

So why, I decided to come over here for a warm daughter to parent conversation. Is also to let you on Kwesi’s plans on this…… I hope you will listen .

Yes, go on! You have our ears!

Kwesi undergoes therapy once a week! Therapy! Oh mine! Mom shouted hastily!

It’s not that deep mom. It’s a speech therapy class, he gets to learn techniques for lip closure, tongue control, swallowing and head control. He has some prescribed medications which helps reduce salvia production. I was able to follow him for one of the therapy classes. And I saw how he was told to drink plenty water, and to rinse with mouthwash to help dry the mouth temporarily.

Anne! You’re so audacious! For me it’s a yes! He is the one! My darling wife what’s your take? Dad asked mom who appeared shocked.

Well..mom said reluctantly, It’s a yes from me too! As long as this makes our Anne truly happily. Congratulations beautiful one! Let’s the wedding preparations begin!


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