Successful people, as we see in our society, don’t succeed by chance.
There are nights of consistency and staying disciplined and committed to their work. They take responsibility for their success, and today people want to succeed without staying disciplined in their work.
Discipline is doing what you ought to do whether you feel like doing it or not. Being disciplined has nothing to do with your feelings. At the beginning of this year, a lot of people write down their plans, but only a few will start taking action. You must be disciplined, it must become part of your life.
A disciplined man is a man who stays committed, success doesn’t come from doing a lot of activities. It comes when you mastered and stay co-connected and committed to one thing unto you see results.
There’s so much power in being disciplined, one of the reasons you’ve not been seeing results in your life, business, and career is that you refused to live a disciplined life.
How do you make Discipline a habit?
- SET GOALS: Setting goals and deadlines helps a lot to stay committed to working ahead. But it is not enough to set goals, it’s also very important to work toward the goals set. “A man without a goal is just like a man without direction” you must set clear goals and objectives.
- GET AN ACCOUNTABLE PARTNER: The power of an accountable partner should not be underestimated. When you have someone you are accountable to it will be very difficult for you to be undisciplined. When choosing an accountability partner, choose someone who you know it’s very capable.
- SET REMINDER: One of the things I do most of the time if I want to stay disciplined is to paste what I need to do all around me. For example, I got a wall sticky note, and I write the goal I want to achieve, what I want to stay committed to, etc. It’s all over my room, it is the first thing I see when I am up. It works a lot, it will motivate me to stay more disciplined. You can also do the same if you want to stay disciplined. Attach it up somewhere you will see it often and encourage yourself.
- ENCOURAGE YOURSELF: Anytime you think of giving up on being disciplined, always remember the reasons why you chose to stay disciplined, your goals, your aspirations, and all. That will be more than enough to inspire you to remain disciplined. it won’t be easy at first but when you’ve continually trained yourself to work by imagining how you’ll feel when you accomplish everything you want to do.
Success begins with being disciplined, you need to make it your perpetual habit till you see results.