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Story Time: The Clay Tablet

by Abigail Oladokun
3 minutes read

Just beside the beautiful and lofty palm tree along the island of Bashan, there lived two bald but studly men.

One named Deedi and other named Pokuwa. Deedi was a writer who was skillful in scribbling laws, cases and reports for the villagers and royals. Pokuwa didn’t have a job. He was idle all day. He sometimes stayed with Deedi talking or eating solo at the tree house.

Pokuwa had dabbled into so many earning opportunities such as, fishing on the sea, being a gold worker, a stone polisher and even building temples and houses but little or no gain. The wealth was always not enough for the next day.

It was a sunny afternoon Deedi was working out-side circles of perspiration formed upon his brow and trickled down unnoticed to lose themselves on the hairy jungle on his chest. Pokuwa strolled by saying “I’m just fed-up of not making more and more money to keep me for weeks or even months…”.

Hmmmmm my friend “Wealth is power! With wealth many things are possible, you know you can build houses, beautifully ornament your home, invest in real estate, travel the world one may do all these things and many others which is nourishing for the senses and soul gratifying.” You see, we have been friends for five years now and truth be told…

Pokuwa was sober at this point, You eat too much! That’s where the concern is. Almost sometimes, when I come over for a visit at the treehouse, you are eating or munching on snacks or edibles. I think you really need to place focus on the how you spend your money.

Pokuwa, see what am trying to say is that find out your interest. What do you like doing with much ease aside from eating? Do you know the amount of assets you will have acquired if you ate less. Honestly, I could show you how to discover your interest if you are ready to explore with me. Pokuwa! Pokuwa! He was already dozing! He eats and sleeps best.

Oh! I heard you!, said Pokuwa, as he jostled into reality Yes! I’m ready to be wealthy in this new year. My belly isn’t going to control my actions! No more pleasure eating! No more comfort snacking! Imagine eating to reduce pain or fade a present reality. No way!…

Deedi replied. Alright, Let’s take a stroll to the Tyre-mountain there we will find a clay tablet that tell what your best interest is. But! The condition is that, you will not eat for three days after which the clay tablet will show you what you haven’t tired out.

In no time three days pasted like a flash. Pokuwa did it! He was super proud of himself. On the fourth day he climbed eagerly to the Tyre mountain. Guess what he saw? The clay tablet on the Tyre- mountain.

The clay tablet showed him his mouth! That was the asset he hadn’t utilized optimally. Pokuwa screamed! And shouted! Oh mine!

He immediately had a flood of memories and admitted that he could speak well and could even convince people with his phenomenal oratory and negotiating skill.

Pokuwa had a paradigm shift from just eating and munching with his mouth to consulting, public speaking and negotiating with his excellent oratory prowess.

The End.

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