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Is Wine Good For My Health?

by Queendaleen Okekeizuagwu
3 minutes read

There has been so much information about wine. So much confusion about whether it’s good for the body or not.

In this article, I’ll be talking about wine and its benefits to the human body. Stick till the end

Wine is an Alcoholic Beverage that is obtained from fermented grapes. The sugar in the grape is acted upon by yeast and converted to ethanol (which is an alcohol) and carbon dioxide, giving off heat in the process.

Although there are so many Varieties of Wine, wine is majorly classified into red and white wine. Each type depends on the process of production. If the grapes are fermented with the skin, it gives red wine but if the skin is removed before fermentation, you get white wine.

Yeah! There are also non-alcoholic wines which are gotten after the whole process of winemaking. After the process of Winemaking, the alcohol is removed through the processes of de-alcoholization which involves vacuum distillation and reverse osmosis.



Wine is rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols and resveratrol. These Antioxidants help maintain the function of the heart.

Polyphenols Limit The Action Of Low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) which damage the artery (blood vessel) lining. They Also Help to prevent the clotting of blood.

Resveratrol, on the other hand, reduces blood pressure and increases high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol).

The percentage of these antioxidants is higher in red wine than in white wine. This is because red wine is fermented with grape skin which contains many antioxidants.


Polyphenols Present In wine act as prebiotics which increases the population of probiotics. Probiotics are a combination of live beneficial bacteria and/or yeasts that naturally live in your body. These good bacteria help keep your gut healthy.


Moderate Intake Of Wine reduces the risk of Depression. Resveratrol, found in grape skin, blocks the action of the enzyme in the brain responsible for controlling stress, thereby, reducing the risk of depression.

Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Antioxidants present in wine help neutralize the free radicals in your body which play a role in cancer development. Resveratrol, in particular, prevents excessive cell growth and tumour formation, induces cell death in cancer cells, and inhibits metastasis (spread of cancer cells from their original place of formation to other parts of the body through the blood or lymph system).

Help control blood sugar

Resveratrol Increases Insulin Sensitivity, thereby facilitating the conversion of blood glucose to glycogen (the stored form of glucose). This is a very important factor for people with diabetes


Polyphenols in wine help slow down brain decline. In other words, it promotes longevity. Resveratrol, on the other hand, prevents protein particles called beta-amyloid (which form plaques) from forming. These, together, help reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases which occur in the elderly.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Resveratrol Has an Anti-inflammatory effect on your body. It Prevents cartilage from damage. This helps in protecting your joints and easing joint pains.


The decision as to which type of wine to drink solely depends on your taste in wine. Although research proved that red wine is more beneficial because of its high percentage of antioxidants and other healthy compounds contained in the grape skin.

There is limited research on white wine, which might affect the conclusion of which type is more beneficial.

Harmful Effects Of Excessive Wine Intake Include:

  • Heart Problems
  • Stroke
  • Liver Diseases
  • Mental Health Diseases
  • Cancers
  • Pancreatitis
  • Bone Thinning


According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guideline for 2020-2025, a moderate amount of wine intake is 1 glass of 12% alcoholic wine or less for women and 2 glasses of 12% alcoholic wine or less for men on days of intake.

Alcohol dietary guidelines also depend on the country or region. Some Areas Might Recommend More while some may recommend less.

However, there are some disease conditions that do not permit the intake of alcohol at all. Talk to your doctor to ensure wine intake is safe for you.

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