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Dealing With Negative Emotions: Which Way Out ?

by Damilola Jacobs
2 minutes read

Life can be difficult, unpleasant, and hurting, yet we can’t escape these realities amid these ups and downs.

We still need to relate and function well in all we do. But stress and chaos will tell on our emotions sometimes.

Regardless of all these daily challenges, there is always a way out.

We were taught many things at home, school, church, and community. Things like how to behave, how to talk, how to read, how to cook, and how we speak. But we were never taught how to manage our emotions. So we can communicate better without hurting others and ourselves.

A story was told of an employee who lost her job because she lacked emotional control (anger). This lady is intelligent, but her inability to control her emotions renders her powerless despite her educational achievement.

What about a student who is depressed? This student was once intelligent, but due to problems he is facing at home, he becomes a shadow of himself, letting his emotions get the better of him.

How then do we manage and deal with our emotions in a world where there are always emotional triggers?

First, admit how you feel, don’t run away from your emotions. Allow yourself to feel it. If you need to grieve, do it. If it is to cry please cry, but don’t dwell on it

Tell someone you trust, a problem shared is half solved, therefore don’t bottle up all your emotions. Not necessarily that person gets involved because there are some challenges that no one but you can solve, and some can’t be solved. But the comfort we get from the fact that there is someone who understands what we are going through and is ready to listen is enough to keep us going.

Secondly, write it down, form the habit of writing down what you feel even if you can’t keep it, note it down, and let it out even if later on, you will trash it.

Find the source of the emotions and work on it.

Additionally, do things that make you happy, and distract yourself from negative feelings.

Take a walk whenever possible, especially when you feel down. Do things you enjoy e.g, listening to music or reading.

In conclusion, negative emotions should not distance you from people and God but move you closer to people and God.

Remember, God is intentional about everything about us including how we feel, therefore tell it to him, and ask him for help. That’s the good news.

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