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Story Time: Round And Round

by Ayotimofe Sharon Ayorinde
6 minutes read

This is a compilation of stories and situational events that we can match and relate to as going
round and round in an unending cycle that might have affected us in some parts of our lives.

The Tale of the Conscientious Gardener

Once upon a time, there was a diligent gardener named Tani from Tanitoloun (who is like God?).
Tani spent countless hours tending to his garden, meticulously planting seeds, watering the plants,
removing weeds, and constantly paying close attention to the growth of his crops.

Each sprout made him happy as he felt like he was slowly getting closer to harvest. Despite his unwavering dedication, his garden failed to thrive. The plants withered, the flowers refused to bloom, and the fruits refused to grow.

Tani was devastated. He had put so much effort into his garden, that he had leaped for joy at every
development, he had certain plans in place for the money he’d get during harvest, so many hopes
and dreams but it seemed like all his hard work had been in vain.

However, through this traumatising experience, Tani learned an important lesson the hard way,
the lesson about the importance of understanding the environment and adapting his gardening
techniques accordingly.

He realised that different plants require different conditions to flourish, and he needed to educate
himself about the specific needs of each plant before planting them. Armed with this knowledge,
John transformed his garden into a vibrant oasis, showcasing the beauty of nature.

The Pursuit of Perfection

Meet Etta, a perfectionist as she constantly calls herself, a talented artist who prides greatly in her
works and telling people about it. She constantly strived for perfection in every stroke of her

She had boasted so hard to everyone and it created so much pressure, she wanted her art pieces to
come out perfectly.

She would spend countless hours on a single painting, continuously revising and refining it.

However, no matter how much she tried, Emily could never achieve the perfection she sought. Her
pursuit became an endless loop of wasted effort, she kept tearing out sheets, discarding boards,
changing position, sighing painfully, and going in circles and circles with no results.

Etta laid so much pressure on herself that she forgot to give herself kudos for any piece but kept beating
herself down for her imperfections forgetting the greatest lesson in art, it breathes life and coveys

Upon realisation of her mistakes, she learned that imperfections can be beautiful too. She picked up
her brush and created beautifully as she had been looking at it all wrong.

The Job-Hopping Dilemma

Tunde, a young and ambitious professional, constantly found himself switching jobs in search of the
perfect career, he needed a zeal, he wanted consuming passion, he wanted the rush of adrenaline
while at his job but there was nothing.

Every time he thought he had found it, he would soon realize that the grass wasn’t greener on the
other side, there was always an issue. They either made him work overtime or underpaid him.

Too many rules, No rules. Strict dress codes, No dress codes. It was either this or that, whenever it came to
stating reasons for leaving these jobs. He repeated this cycle, hopping from one job to another but
never truly finding satisfaction.

Jason’s wasted effort in constantly starting over prevented him from discovering the fulfillment he
craved. Which he’d most likely never get, his impatient and lack of readiness to make a choice and
stick with it kept him from getting the fulfillment he wanted. Forgetting that Fulfillment cannot
happen if there’s no stability.

The Relationship Carousel

Emma, a hopeless romantic, had a habit of falling into toxic relationships. She would invest her
time and energy into partners who were not right for her, only to end up heartbroken and

Regardless Emma never gave up on Love, did I say Love? Love according to Emma’s description is a bad guy that has tattoos and piercings. Looking for a bad boy who could bow her away with a big fat account.

Despite her friends’ warnings, Emma found herself caught in a vicious cycle of repeating the same
mistakes, not learning how absurd these choices were and how it was messing up her life.

She wanted a different type of love and couldn’t create the man of her dreams but she tried.

Her wasted efforts in pursuing unhealthy relationships kept her from finding the love and happiness
she deserved. Emma wanted love but forgot about how it comes with sacrifices, if certain types of
guys keep breaking your heart how about trying to change your choices? Instead of constantly
repeating the painful phases of heartbreak.

The Fruitless Political Campaign

In the realm of politics, Mr. Wale, a passionate politician, ran for office with a vision of making a
positive change, his passion for making his country a better place consumed him and he wanted to
make his country a more habitable place.

He campaigned tirelessly, rallying supporters and spreading his message far and wide. However,
despite his best efforts, John found himself entangled in a web of bureaucracy and red tape, He
couldn’t make headway in any of his strivings because they were always overruled by the state

His campaign went in circles, he just kept screaming and labouring in vain, Nothing was working out
and he couldn’t do anything about it. As the system he sought to change seemed resistant to any
progress, He wanted to change the system but the system wouldn’t budge and it hurt to see all the
efforts he had wasted for 17 years since he had the dream, go down the drain.

The wasted effort left him questioning whether his dream of a better society was attainable, He
gave up when he could have sought solutions, yes he had passion, had patience but lacked
inquisitions, he wanted to tackle the bigger problems but forgot about the smaller ones which
summed up to be big.

He went in for more political education following his friend’s advise and he learned to think very
big you must also think small and understand foundational sources that might be affecting the

These fictional stories serve as a reminder that sometimes, despite our best intentions and efforts,
we can find ourselves going in circles, We might stumble on limitations and experience wasted
effort. It is important to recognize when we are caught in these cycles and find ways to break free.

It’s hard, Frustrating, Painful, and draining but instead of giving it all up How about we try redirecting
our energy toward more meaningful pursuits and know when to stop going round and round.

By learning from these stories, we can avoid unnecessary repetition and strive for progress and
fulfillment in our own lives

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