Welcome back to a collection of stories that takes us into the world of humans who have been caught in cycles in different parts of their lives and trapped there.
They are relatable as we also do one or more of these things trying to not give up when in a real sense giving up was the best idea.
Table of Contents
The Eternal Loop
In a quaint village, a curious inventor named Ufoma dedicated her life to building a Time Machine, she was a pro in her field and believed she could pull this off. She leafed through books and did lots of research offline and online in search of clues to making a time Machine and making it work. She felt the reason for her being not so fortunate in her career was because she made certain mistakes in the past
After countless attempts, she finally succeeded in creating a device that could transport her through time. However, no matter how many times Emma traveled back to alter the course of history, events unfolded in the same way, trapping her in an eternal loop, she never forgave herself and never moved on, and this gave way to the search and creation of the Time Machine.
It took weeks, and months before she realized She had been repeating the same activity hoping it would be a different result but it yielded no results.
However, we cannot keep holding on to the things that happened in the past if we want to move on with the future. Some fates are inescapable we should only look for ways to make our lives better not change our fates.
The Unchanging Results
In a small studio apartment, a smart young boy who has always made best student in all subjects but suddenly in University he feels like he cannot keep up and is lagging.
He used to be an A-list student how was he doing so badly in his classes now, Exams period was near and Junior was ready to do everything to get the perfect grade Despite his relentless efforts, the results remained unchanged, refusing to reflect his intelligence.
Frustrated and disheartened, Junior became sad which affected his mental health, and became depressed. After days of blaming himself for his cursed fate, he accepted his faith after repeating the same strokes without yielding meaningful results was an exercise in futility.
She decided to embrace the reality that he never really wanted to study Medicine as he had no passion for it, this led to continuous failure despite all his efforts after this huge realisation he sorts to change courses into something he likes and is passionate about.
The Monotonous Symphony
In a bustling city, a gifted composer named Oliver dedicated his life to composing a symphony that would touch the hearts of millions and make them very interested in his career maybe they could show more support than usual.
However, no matter how many times he rearranged the notes and melodies, the result remained a monotonous tune that failed to evoke any emotions, it was plain, soulless, unmoving, just bland.
Disheartened, Oliver understood that repeating the same musical patterns and trying to fuse them however he could or thought was good was still not yielding meaningful results. it became a fruitless pursuit.
He decided to seek inspiration from diverse genres and experiment with unconventional harmonies to figure out what he was doing wrong and find out why he couldn’t connect to his songs as people also wouldn’t be able to share the passion for the song.
The Elusive Promotion
Emily was a dedicated employee who consistently went above and beyond her job requirements, she was always ready to work and do exceedingly well with or without supervision. She was a career woman, a conscientious one who eagerly sought promotions, believing her hard work would be rewarded. She had put in so many contributions in her office work and was entitled to a promotion as she was worth a better position than the one she was at.
However, year after year, she found herself overlooked for advancement, it was sad to watch others get appreciated for their efforts that didn’t even amount to her contributions if it was measured.
Despite her repeated attempts to impress her superiors and showcase her skills, Emily’s efforts seemed to go unnoticed, it felt like she was invisible and all she could see was the work she had done not the person who made the work happen. Everyone else had their bit of appreciation by getting promotions and every package that came with it except her.
Her frustration grew as she found herself trapped in a cycle of unfulfilled career aspirations, she sulked, and she almost went crazy figuring out what was happening but still stayed in the company constantly labouring and working so hard while all they did was peg her in that position and made her stagnant.
She didn’t know the time to pack up and search for better options, she was the only woman making headway in her auditing company and the patriarchal system of her company keep putting her down while sucking the life out of her.
The Perpetual Diet
Sarah, a size 14 young lady had constantly been bullied by the people in the society who had their own opinions on how she looked and how she should look, people constantly body-shamed her.
Sarah had tried every diet under the sun, hoping to achieve her desired weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle as people advised. Each time, she would commit to a new plan, follow it diligently, and experience some initial success.
However, as time went on, the weight would inevitably return, it wasn’t her diet, it wasn’t too much sleep or whatever the causes were as the audience implied, it’s just how she was natural, which should be nothing to be ashamed about.
It always left her feeling defeated. Sarah’s determination to find a sustainable solution led her to countless dieting cycles, each one leaving her feeling more discouraged than before, she ran out of patience, slowly became depressed abandoned her life outside, and stayed inside, there was too much pressure whenever she met someone that wanted to teach her how to be a slim person, everyone had something to say. She’d rather stay indoors than let people have an opinion.
Sarah could have embraced herself and loved herself but she didn’t, this was why these people could get to her and bring her so down.
You’ve been at it for a while now, whatever the “it” is—a job, an academic pursuit, a business start-up, a relationship, a charitable endeavor, a military career, a weight loss journey, a sport. Maybe it’s a dream project you’ve been working on for so long that you can’t even remember what got you all dreamy in the first place. In your most honest moments, it’s easy to see that things aren’t working out. So why haven’t you quit? (Excerpt From Think like a freak)
Why do I keep getting stuck in the system, ever question why you keep going round and round without fulfillment? When you can re-strategise and do something profitable that makes you happy. Quitting isn’t being weak sometimes, it’s displaying strength, to chase happiness and fulfillment.