The dynamics of the workforce will keep changing to suit the everyday needs of man.
The first thing given to man after creation is work. This was done to ensure that man could provide food for himself which is one of the necessities of life. Apart from food, clothing and shelter follow suit on the rank.
In the early days, man’s major work was to hunt for animal meat and make them edible for eating. Tasks were shared based on strength and capabilities, hence, the reason why the men hunted and the women prepared the meal.
Fast forward to when factories and steel industries were set up and the use of technological tools became rampant. Tasks were assigned based on skill sets which rose to the use of organisational structures to maintain order.
Furthermore, specialisations were encouraged as individuals focused on a particular skill gaining worthwhile experience. As time progressed, trade among different countries started, leading to the establishment of companies and conglomerates.
These companies have groomed a workforce, comprising a healthy proportion of men and women with diverse skill sets. 9 to 5 became a popular term describing those who go to work at an organisation’s office.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work became a thing. People no longer had to commute daily to their place of work. In this article, we will be shedding light on working remotely, hybrid work, and how to know which works best.
Table of Contents
What does it mean to work remotely?
Working remotely entails working from anywhere in the world. Be it a coffee shop, your favourite bookstore, or from your desk at home. It is also known as virtual work. For remote work to be effective, staff must be provided with the right tools and software.
Advantages of Remote Work
Working remotely saves time spent commuting to the office daily. Time spent can be used to carry out other official tasks. Furthermore, the energy expended in boarding trains, buses, or taxis is conserved.
Saves Cost
Who doesn’t like to save extra cash for rainy days? Workers can save the money used in commuting to the office and this resource can be channeled to solve household expenses or a day out with the kids.
Superb Work-life Balance
In a traditional work system, some parents miss out on important occasions in the lives of their children. Football games, PTA meetings, and end-of-year parties are missed. Working remotely allows parents to be present at the important milestones in the lives of their children.
Access to a Wider Range of Talents
Who says your employees must reside in a particular location when you have the whole world at your feet? One of the biggest flexes of remote work is the wider range of talents at the disposal of the employer.
Employers are not limited by the location of their prospective employees.
What is a Hybrid Work Model?
A Hybrid work model gives individuals the opportunity to work from home and commute to the office on different days. Different types of Hybrid work models exist which are flexible, remote-first, remote-friendly, and office-centric.
In a flexible hybrid work model, employees are allowed to choose the number of days they would report to the office and work at a remote location.
The remote-first hybrid model allows employees to work from home for a larger percentage of their work days. That is the employee can ask to report once a week to the physical location of the organization.
In a remote-friendly model, organisations are at liberty to set specific rules and guidelines concerning remote work. Listing tasks that can’t be done remotely and those that need the employee’s presence.
In the office-centric hybrid work model, employees report to the office a higher percentage of time when compared to hours/days working from home. That is Mr. John works three days in his office and two days from home. Flexibility of office hours is also encouraged in this model.
Advantages of Hybrid Work
Freedom of Choice
The freedom to make choices is one important part of our human existence. Imagine being given this opportunity at your workplace_superb! Working in a hybrid setting allows employees to choose a schedule that works for them while considering organizational goals and objectives.
Segregates Time for Different Tasks
Hybrid work models encourage employees to properly segregate their tasks. For example, tasks that need collaboration will be done in the office while other tasks will be done from home.
Better Engagement with Colleagues
The hybrid work model encourages timely relations with colleagues away from the everyday chatter that happens regularly in a traditional work model. Employees are better at prioritising tasks with colleagues for increased productivity.
Boosts Output
A hybrid work setting boosts the output of employees due to the flexibility of their work schedules.
Which Works Best?
There is no one-size-fits-all determining the best option between a remote work model and a hybrid work model. Different factors have to be considered like the nature of the job, individual preferences, company culture, and team dynamics.
These factors and others will determine the work model that will be adopted by any organisation. Not forgetting that some jobs will never have the luxury of going remote or hybrid.
Who knows, another working model might emerge in no distant time.
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