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How To Check EKEDC Electricity Service Bands

by Geeky Nigeria
3 minutes read

Are you a resident of Lagos and a customer of the Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC)?

If so, you may have heard about electricity service bands and wondered what they are and how they affect your electricity bill.

In this article, Geeky Nigeria will explain what EKEDC electricity service bands are and how you can check which band you fall into.

What are EKEDC Service Bands?

Electricity service bands are a way for EKEDC to categorise its customers based on their electricity consumption. The bands are divided into different tariff categories, each with its own pricing structure. The purpose of these bands is to ensure that customers are billed accurately according to their electricity usage.

There are four service bands in total, namely:

  • Band A: This band is for customers entitled to a minimum of 20 hours of daily electricity.
  • Band B: Customers in this band have a minimum of 16 hours of daily electricity.
  • Band C: Band C is for customers with a minimum of 12 hours of daily electricity.
  • Band D: This band is for customers with a minimum of 8 hours of daily electricity
  • Band E: This comprises customers with a minimum of 4 hours of daily electricity

Each band has its own set of charges and rates, which are applied to the customer’s electricity bill based on their energy consumption and the time of use.

How to Check Your EKEDC Electricity Service Band

Now that you know what the EKEDC electricity service bands are, you’re probably wondering how to check which band you fall into. Fortunately, EKEDC provides an easy way for customers to check their service band online.

Here are the steps to check your EKEDC electricity service band:

  1. Visit the EKEDC official website at feederinfo.ekedp.com.
  2. Select and input your Account number (without the ‘/’) or Meter number.
  3. Then Click Proceed.

Alternatively, you can also contact the EKEDC customer support helpline and provide them with your account details. They will be able to inform you of your service band over the phone.

Why Knowing Your EKEDC Electricity Service Band is Important

Understanding your EKEDC electricity service band is crucial because it directly affects your electricity bill. Each service band has its own set of charges and rates, which are applied to your energy consumption. By knowing your band, you can have a better understanding of how your bill is calculated and take steps to manage your electricity usage more efficiently.

For example, if you are in a higher service band with higher charges, you may want to consider implementing energy-saving measures to reduce your electricity consumption and lower your bill. On the other hand, if you are in a lower service band, you may have more flexibility in your energy usage.

Knowing your service band can also help you identify any discrepancies or errors in your bill. If you believe that you have been placed in the wrong band or that your bill does not accurately reflect your energy consumption, you can contact EKEDC customer support to address the issue.

Checking your EKEDC electricity service band is a simple and important step in understanding your electricity bill and managing your energy consumption. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily find out which band you fall into and gain insights into your billing structure.

Remember, being aware of your service band allows you to make informed decisions about your energy usage and potentially save money on your electricity bill. So, take a few minutes to check your EKEDC electricity service band today!

Read also: MOJEC Prepaid Meter Codes And How To Troubleshoot

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