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Should Physical Training Be Compulsory In Schools? (Answer Guide)

by Ndubuishi Lauretta Anwuli
4 minutes read

The human body is like a machine that needs to be maintained to perform at its best and physical training helps to achieve this.

Unlike machines that have spare parts or be replaced after a complete breakdown, your body has no spare.

That is why you have to take proper care of it by exercising regularly. Is regular exercise for people of all ages or do you need to reach a certain age before you can take charge of your exercise routine?

What I know for sure is that exercising is for everyone, even for your kids in school. But doesn’t exercising during school hours distract them from focusing on their studies? Or better still, can’t the exercise be done at home?

The age-long argument is here again – should physical training be compulsory in schools?

As someone who saw physical training as a waste of my precious study time, I can relate with those who are against the issue. But as a human being who loves to stay fit, I can also understand why physical training should be compulsory.

In this article, we will be weighing genuine reasons whether or not physical training should be made compulsory in schools.

Reasons Why Physical Training Should Be Compulsory In Schools

First, off. Let’s delve into the reasons why physical training should be compulsory in schools.

1. Promotes Good Health

Health is wealth. This statement has been engraved on your heart and mind right from a young age and now, it’s your turn to pass it to your children.

One way you can achieve this is when they participate in physical training during school hours. This will save you the stress of drafting up an exercise routine for them at home.

2. Encourages Teamwork

Cultivating the habit of working with others is another benefit of engaging in physical training in school.

This builds their communication skills, teaches them how to collaborate and allows them to make new friends while having fun.

3. Boost Academic Performance

Exercise has been known to improve the sleeping habits of individuals which keeps them refreshed and ready to take on the challenge of a new day.

Furthermore, exercise improves retention, reasoning and attention skills which is important for achieving academic excellence.

4. Minimise Anxiety and Depression

Depression and anxiety can occur irrespective of age, and physical training can help your child come out stronger if he or she is suffering from it.

Endorphins are released during exercise which helps in relieving stress, anxiety and depression. Furthermore, the joy of being around people can also help in uplifting that depressed child.

5. Discovery of Talents

Michael Jordan wouldn’t have excelled in basketball if he didn’t partake in physical training while on the school premises.

Your child can have a hidden talent for a particular sport which can only be noticed and brought to the light if he or she partakes in physical training.

Who knows, this might be the birth of another grand slam title winner like Novak Djokovic.

Reasons Why Physical Training Should Not Be Compulsory In Schools

1. Possible Physical Injury

There is a possibility of injury during physical training. Injuries like sprains, fractures and dislocation can occur which need the immediate attention of medical personnel.

Some schools are not well equipped to handle these emergencies. This can create panic in the minds of parents who drop off a healthy child at school.

2. Not Suited for Every Type of Student

Not every child loves sports. Some of them want to use that period to make up for lost study time or finish up pending assignments.

They might not be fully present in that training if their minds are in a different place.

3. Creates a Sense of Inadequacy

Some children can develop an inferiority complex when they see their mates excelling in sports. Especially if they don’t have the skills to excel in any.

This is very common at a younger age and can affect the child’s ability to relate amicably with others.

A Choice to be Made

There is a choice to be made. Schools can only make physical training compulsory if they have the right facilities and medical personnel to attend to emergencies.

Furthermore, options should be given to children as they grow older especially when they are about to enter high school. The option to choose other extra-curricular activities if they don’t want to partake in any physical training.

Also, the school management should strive to foster inclusion in all physical training.

Click here to read about The Impact Of Nutrition And Physical Activity On Academic Performance.

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