Applying for education loans through the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFund) portal is a streamlined process designed to facilitate students’ access to financial aid.
To begin, potential applicants must first register on the NELFund portal. Start by creating an account using a valid email address and a secure password.
Once the account is created, you will receive a verification email. Click on the verification link to activate your account. This step is crucial as it confirms your identity and eligibility to use the portal.
Once you have successfully registered, the next step will be to complete your profile by verifying your student credentials.
Step-by-Step Guide to Complete Your Profile On NELFund Portal
Step 1: Enter your email address and password to Login.
Step 2: Click on the “Proceed to Contact Details” button.
Step 3: Update contact details with the current information of your phone number, full residential address, state of residence and local government area of residence. Then click “Proceed to Educational Details.”
Step 4: Update your educational details by selecting your higher Institution, and inputting your matric number. Then click “Proceed to Account Details.”
Step 5: Verify your BVN by entering your BVN, select your bank name and enter your account number. Click “save changes” to complete your profile.
Read Next: How To Apply For Loan On NELFund Portal