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8 Ways To Cope With A New Location

by Ndubuishi Lauretta Anwuli
4 minutes read

Embracing change can mean moving to a new location.

At a very young age, my family moved from one city to another. I can’t fully remember the details that warranted this move because I was very young.

Also, I can’t remember anything about the process or how the journey went. This will not be the case if you are relocating to a new place as an adult.

Relocation comes with a lot of planning and work. From packing your belongings to hiring a moving truck and booking a bus or flight ticket, the list is endless. The relocation process seems daunting if proper plans are not made.

Furthermore, few people relocate just for the fun of moving to a new city. This change can be as a result of marriage, getting a new job or changing career paths, moving to better economic locations or starting over in life.

Starting over in a new city can seem nerve-racking because you don’t have your family and friends close to you.

Relocation depression can also set in and put you off balance.

Throwing your emotions all over and making you regret moving to another location. Staying ahead of this curve is necessary if you want to adjust to your new normal.

Tips to help you settle in your new location 

Here are some helpful tips that will help you get settled in your new location in the fastest way possible.

1. Keep in touch

Staying in touch with family and friends is one major way of tackling depression after relocation.

Take advantage of different social media platforms like WhatsApp that allow video calls for extended periods.

Seeing the faces of your family members and friends and engaging in interesting conversations can create a homely effect in your mind.

2. Explore your new location 

Take a leaf from Dora in Dora the Explorer animation series as she goes on countless adventures. Explore your new neighbourhood.

Take a walk in the evenings and find out the location of the nearest local church or eatery. You can also check out popular entertainment spots like cinema halls, parks, game centres and so on. You can proceed to go to these locations during the weekends and have fun.

3. Get involved

Getting involved or socializing should be your next stop if you want to cope with a new location. Now is the right time to join branches of the organization you already belong to in your new vicinity.

Additionally, you can decide to volunteer for a good cause. Doing this expands your social circle and allows you to reach out to your newfound friends if you have any issue.

4. Stay positive

It makes a big difference in your life when you stay positive.” —Ellen DeGeneres.

Staying positive is no longer an option but a necessity if you want to scale through the turbulent waters experienced in a new location.

Have an open mindset. See this experience as an opportunity to grow, meet new people, explore new sites and the joys of life.

5. Stay organised

Staying organised in your new location can help you to cope quickly. This can be achieved by unpacking as soon as possible so that you rid yourself of the clutter of cartons and boxes in your home.

Staying organised also entails making a to-do list of all the tasks you need to carry out to smoothen the relocation process and get you settled.

6. Practice self-care

Self-care is a very important aspect of your daily life and shouldn’t be swept aside if you want to strive in your location. Do you love writing? Start keeping a journal today. Do you love exercising? Now is the right time to take an early morning jog and get those muscles moving.

You can also get a pet, read a book or listen to music. These activities rejuvenate the mind and get you popped up to seize the day.

7. Get a new hobby

Are you bored of staying indoors after you moved to a new city? This can be the case if you work remotely and getting a new hobby might just be what you need.

You can try learning a new skill or getting reunited with your childhood love for painting by taking a painting class. You can also register at a local gym for the fun of meeting new people and making new friends.

8. Have backup plans

Having backup plans after moving to a new location is important especially if an offer from a new job pre-empted the move.

This can be having extra savings for emergency expenses, and funds to explore new places and get your groceries stocked up. Having backup plans also entails, finding out which family member or friend is closest to you in case of emergencies.


The hassles of moving to a new location can be overwhelming but if you have backup plans, practice self-care, stay positive, be organised and explore your new environment, it will make the journey worthwhile.

Remember, create new memories when you get a new home. You have just moved to a different location.


Read here: Children Special: Relocating and Its Impact on Your Child.

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