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Nigerian Women In Tech: Taking Revolutionary Leaps And Making Breakthroughs

by Joy Chioma
3 minutes read

Women in Tech, is a phrase that is commonly heard today.  The tech industry in Nigeria, has seen a positive shift in the gender gap recently, as more women delve into the tech space.

Over the years, the Nigerian tech space has been largely dominated by men. However, in recent times, women have made spectacular impacts in the technology industry, not just in Nigeria, but also around the globe. Today, the percentage of women in tech in Nigeria is 22%. This is still a very small margin, but a significant growth over the last few years, indicates that this number will increase greatly.

In the previous year, the United Nations theme for International Women’s Day (2023) was tagged ‘DigitAll: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality”.  The United Nations states that ‘bringing women and other marginalised groups into the tech space, results in more creative solutions and has greater potential for innovations that meet women’s needs and promote gender equality’.

This served as a move to recognise and celebrate women who are championing the advancement of transformative technology, while also exploring the impact of the digital gender gap on widening economic and social inequalities, the importance of protecting the rights of women and girls in digital spaces, and addressing online-facilitated gender-based violence.

Currently, in Nigeria, there are a number of prominent women in tech with significant achievements, making trails of progress and paving the way for other young and passionate women. The likes of Jessica Anuna (CEO of Clash), Chioma Ugo (co-founder of Prospa), Aniekan Inyang (data scientist, Stears Business), Honey Ogundeyi (founder of Edukoya), and Adora Nwodo (founder of NexaScale), to mention a few. 

Today, there are also a variety of tech communities in Nigeria that support, encourage, and provide opportunities for as many women as possible who are interested in technology-based careers. We see communities like She Codes Africa, Women In Tech In Nigeria (WITIN), Her Tech Trail, PyLadies Nigeria, WeTech, and Web3ladies, just to mention a few. 

The proportion of men to women in the tech sector has always been uncomfortably high worldwide, especially in African nations like Nigeria, to the point where women who are interested in this field are frequently disregarded or underestimated.

Here’s what Chisom Nwokwu, a Software Engineer (ex.) Microsoft, had to say about women in the Nigerian tech space in an interview: “We are not there yet, there’s still a diversity gap because there are so many stereotypes against women in the tech space at large. When women perceive these stereotypes, it acts as a limitation for them to actually start to pursue their career in tech. 

“But, that is starting to change because so many organisations have taken it up on themselves to break off these narratives and support more women. The gap is still there, but it is gradually decreasing.

Although there are still hurdles to be crossed, Nigerian women have made a considerable leap in the tech industry. There has been increased awareness of women’s empowerment, sensitisation on the need for the eradication of all forms of gender biases and inequalities, and better female representation in the industry. 

Nigeria is undergoing diffusion in the technology sector, and gender diversity is now encouraged in the technology space. This means more young girls and women are venturing into space and spreading their wings. This trend will bring about positive change and provide sustainable solutions to gender based issues. 

There is still much work to be done in encouraging young girls and their parents to explore the numerous opportunities available in the space, but we are moving in the right direction. As long as we keep moving in this direction, women, will move from just having a seat at the table to being contributing partners in this industry.

Read also: Teaching With Tech: Leveraging Technology For Effective Learning

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