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5 Essential Things To Do Before Bedtime

by Oluchi Gladys
3 minutes read

Bedtime is a very important time of the day.

Overall health and well-being depend on getting a decent night’s sleep. You may improve the quality of your sleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated and prepared for the day by implementing a regular nighttime regimen.

To ensure a refreshing and comfortable sleep, try these five essential tasks before turning in for the night.

Tips for Bed Time

1. Limit Screen time and Blue Light.

Your body’s regular sleep-wake cycle may be disrupted by exposure to displays and blue light from electronics like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The hormone that controls sleep, melatonin, is suppressed by blue light, making it more difficult to fall asleep.

Screen use should be minimised at least an hour before bed in order to improve sleep quality.

Ways to reduce screen time include; Setting a digital curfew, using night mode settings, replacing screen time with activities like reading, playing board games or light exercise, and keeping devices out of the bedroom.

2. Avoiding Caffeine and Heavy Meals

Heavy meals or caffeine consumption right before bed can cause sleep disturbances. Because caffeine is a stimulant and can linger in your system for several hours, it might be difficult to fall asleep.

In a similar fashion, consuming heavy or peppery meals may result in unease and dyspepsia, ultimately causing inadequate sleep. In the late afternoon and evening, try to stay away from caffeine and try to finish your meal at least two or three hours before going to bed.

Meal and drink options at night include; herbal tea, water or a warm glass of milk,
light dinner before 8 pm. Monitor your caffeine intake by being conscious of the amount of caffeine in foods and beverages. Always make sure you don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed.

3. Taking Showers Before Bed

Before going to bed, our body temperature automatically decreases by one or two degrees to get ready for sleep. We will not fall asleep as quickly and we can wake up more if we are too hot or too chilly.

Taking a warm shower after the days’ work helps you relax before bed or after staying in all day, taking a shower right before bed will assist in reducing your body temperature. Although, taking a warm shower to chill down may seem strange, doing so actually causes the body to release heat, which helps your body’s core temperature drop more quickly so that you can fall asleep.

4. Having a Clean and Fresh Smelling Room

The quality of your sleep is significantly influenced by the surroundings in which you sleep. The following actions will help you establish a peaceful atmosphere in your bedroom.

  • Declutter: A neat space can ease anxiety and encourage calm. Organising your room and removing any distractions will help you feel relaxed and comfortable.
  • Dim/Turn off the Lights: Your body will be alerted to the wind when the lights are lowered or off. To create a calming atmosphere, think about utilising warm, soft lighting or even candlelight.
  • Cosy Bedding: Make an investment in supportive sleeping posture pillows and a high-quality mattress and wear.
    Your ability to sleep comfortably can be greatly improved by having comfortable clothes and bedding along with a neat room.

5. Planning for the Next Day

To help clear your head and prepare for a more comfortable sleep, take a few minutes to think back on your day and make plans for the next. You can end the day on a positive note and lessen anxiety about the future by reflecting on what went well during the day and making positive intentions for tomorrow.

Planning and reflecting can also help you feel more organised and less stressed, which can improve the quality of your sleep.

A serene night’s sleep is vital for preserving general health and well-being. These techniques help prepare your mind and body for rest, leading to more rejuvenating and refreshing sleep.

Read also: 8 Superb Benefits Of Sleep

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