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Are Emojis Necessary During Conversations?

by Faith Akintola
Are Emojis Necessary During Conversations?

Emojis are non-verbal cues that help shape how we interact with each other in this digital world.

They have become an important part of digital communication, that is, how we communicate with each other online. What are their roles? Are they indispensable during conversations?

Hereon, we’ll be exploring whether Emojis are an indispensable tool for communication or a supplementary form of expression that can be omitted. Let’s dig in!

The Concept of Emojis

Emojis first emerged in the late 90s. They were developed by the Japanese designer, Shigetaka Kurita. He created them for the purpose of adding emotion and context to digital messages. This is because text-based communication can most times omit non-verbal cues that are important for relaying mood, tone, or emotions like in face-to-face interactions.

The absence of these non-verbal cues can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Hence, Emojis were developed to diminish this issue by offering visual representations of actions, objects, feelings, and emotions. Therefore, helping to clarify the intended meaning of a message.

For example, the phrase “I’m okay” can be interpreted in different ways based on the tone and context. Hence, it can be hard to convey the emotions attached through text alone. Adding a smiling, crying, or frowning emoji can provide a clearer indication of how you are actually feeling. 

Indeed, Emojis enhance clarity to digital conversations but are they really necessary? Keep scrolling to find out.

Pros and Cons of Emojis

There are various benefits and disadvantages of using emojis when communicating. They are as follows.


  • Enhance Clarity: It provides clarity of messages by providing visual cues that can supplement texts. This way, they help reduce the ambiguity and ensure that the intended message is understood correctly. Its use is especially vital for casual conversations where being concise is key. With emojis, you can pass a message across without the need for lengthy explanations.

  • Swift and Direct Communication: Emojis have the ability to express complex feelings with just a single character. This helps to convey emotions quickly and efficiently. A good example entails sending a heart emoji. This directly and briefly conveys love, appreciation, or gratitude, depending on the context; in contrast to using several sentences to express your feelings.

  • Grabs Attention: They make communication more engaging in this digital world where we are choked with information. With emojis, you can make a message more visually appealing. Also, it adds a level of creativity and playfulness to interactions. Thereby, letting people experiment with tone and mood in ways that the conventional text doesn’t allow.

  • Benefits Both Parties: According to studies, messages containing positive Emojis like smiles or hearts often evoke more positive reactions from recipients. They benefit both the sender and the receiver. In that, the sender can better express their emotions and influence the mood of the receiver as well. This builds a positive communication environment. They help to convey friendliness and warmth, as well as bridge the gap between formal and informal communication. A well-placed emoji can build rapport, establish camaraderie, and ease tension.

  • For Expression: Their widespread use across social media platforms like X, WhatsApp, and Instagram has transformed them into tools for identity formation, self-expression, and activism. For instance, using the raised fist during social movements shows solidarity and support for a cause.

  • A Cultural Phenomena: Emojis sometimes transcend language barriers. They offer a universal form of communication that can be comprehended by people from different linguistic backgrounds. For instance, a laughing face or a thumbs-up emoji conveys the same meaning regardless of the language spoken by the sender and receiver. This universality helps to communicate better, especially in multilingual or cross-cultural interactions.


Despite all above named benefits, emojis have a couple of drawbacks. They are as follows.

  • Oversimplify Communication: They sometimes oversimplify issues, not capturing the complexity of human thoughts and emotions. This can lead to misunderstandings.

  • Reduce Quality of Communication: Over-reliance on emojis, especially in formal or important conversations can lessen the quality of the communication. This happens when words are replaced with symbols that may not carry similar weight or accuracy. In a professional setting, this can lead to a loss of credibility or perceived as lack of seriousness or immaturity.

  • Confusing Message: Emoji overload makes users find it difficult to choose the most suitable one. This majorly happens because they can be interpreted differently depending on the context or the recipient’s cultural background, further complicating understanding. For instance, the “folded hands” emoji may be interpreted as a prayer gesture in Western cultures but is seen as a symbol of gratitude in Japan.

Are Emojis Necessary?

The necessity of Emojis depends majorly on the context of the conversation, as well as the preferences of the individuals involved. In casual or everyday communication, they can be quite helpful in building rapport, boosting clarity and inserting emotions. They bridge the gap left by non-verbal cues, making digital conversations feel more human.

On the other hand, the need for emojis in professional or formal settings are debatable. Although they can add a friendly touch to communication, their use should be balanced and context-appropriate. In certain cases, depending on well-crafted words might be more effective than adding an emoji.

Final Thoughts

It is undeniable that emojis are vital to modern communication. However, they are not particularly necessary in every conversation. Nevertheless, they are valuable tools that can boost emotional expression and clarity in digital interactions, especially in informal settings. It is important to note that overuse or inappropriate application can undermine the effectiveness of communication, especially in professional contexts.

In a nutshell, the necessity of Emojis depends on the particular dynamics of each conversation and the intended tone of the interaction.

Read also: Workplace Communication: The Role Of Technology In Enhancing Quality Communication

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