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The Rise Of Serverless Computing: Benefits And Challenges

by Victoria Umoh
The Rise Of Serverless Computing: Benefits And Challenges

Serverless computing is a way of running applications without managing the underlying hardware or software. The cloud service provider takes care of everything, so you can just focus on writing the code for your application.

Chatbot, task schedulers, and IoT (internet of things) applications are examples of serverless computing. Although it is a cloud computing model, it differs from cloud computing in many aspects which will be discussed below.

In serverless computing, servers exist but code developers can focus on writing instead of managing those servers. The type of service in which server management, configuration, scaling, and billing are abstracted from clients is known as serverless computing.

The end user pays for the exact amount of resources used, while in cloud computing, you pay the same monthly subscription fee. It does not matter if you use less resources in any particular month, the monthly fee remains constant. This means that there is the benefit of reduction in operation cost for those employing serverless computing for their application codes.


In cloud computing, the end user manages the infrastructure, but in serverless computing, infrastructure is managed by the cloud service provider. Depending on the type of cloud computing service model subscribed for customers, they can share infrastructural management duties with the cloud provider, but in serverless computing, the cloud service provider manages the entire infrastructure.

Level Of Automation

It allocates resources on an ‘as-used’ basis and resources are allocated automatically, whereas in cloud computing, resources are allocated manually. In serverless computing, everyday tasks are automated, quite unlike cloud computing, where most tasks are non-automatic.

Considering the numerous advantages serverless computing has over its counterpart, and judging by the fact that it is indeed a significant trend in cloud computing it is no surprise that it has been considered the next big thing. Despite its benefits, there are some challenges that businesses making use of serverless computing incur.

Benefits of Serverless Computing

Ease Due To Abstraction

Since the service provider manages the infrastructure, there is no need to set funds aside for that purpose. With serverless computing, developers build and run applications without bearing the burden of managing several servers. This will make developers work faster and enable the organization to save more money.

Automation Benefits

As mentioned earlier, there is a high level of automation of functions in serverless computing. Even scaling is automated. This means that clients do not need to plan for peak traffic times and are not saddled with trying to increase computing resources to handle the load.

Lower Cost

Since the concept of pay-as-you-use applies here, end users only have to pay for what they use and no more. This makes serverless computing cost-effective. Clients are only required to pay for what they use.

Challenges of Serverless Computing

Security Concerns

There are security concerns while using this computing method. The cloud provider can decide to run several customers’ code on a single server. This means that the security of sensitive information cannot be assured. There is also the risk of leakage when data is moved to an external source.

Monitoring Complexities

This arises due to the fact that the client has lesser control over the infrastructure that runs their application code. The architecture is difficult to monitor especially when multiple platforms are being used by the service providers. 

Cold Start

This is a common problem of the serverless computing environment and it usually occurs when a function that has not been called in a long time, perhaps because it was reclaimed by a service provider, is called up after it was reclaimed. It creates latency issues which affect the response time of the application in use by clients.

Higher Cost for Long Processes

Its usage-based pricing is suitable for short processes, but it becomes disadvantageous when the business wishes to use serverless computing to operate applications that require long processes.

All these challenges pale in comparison with the benefits of serverless computing processes.

Final Thoughts

Artificial intelligence has become more advanced with serverless computing. It is a technological breakthrough that is here to stay. So embrace the future!!!

 Serverless applications can handle enormous amounts of streaming data from various sources without experiencing delay. End users can enjoy seamless access to the application they are using.

Also checkThe Rise Of Quantum Computing: The Next Frontier

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