Fear can destroy a life or anything in its path if harboured. Fear is an unpleasant emotions caused by sense danger or a feeling of threat either by a supernatural …
Mary Adeola
Mary Adeola
Mary Adeola is an expert on Haircare, Beauty, and Cosmetics. She has a business - Mary's Glowkits, where she sells authentic products for ladies to appear beautiful. Mary is also an author. She writes on Inspiration and Lifestyle.
- Inspiration
Children’s Exclusive: Choosing A Career Path
by Mary Adeolaby Mary Adeola 3 minutes readYou can be anything! You can be anything! You’re unstoppable. As a little girl I was confused on what I wanted to become in life, I wanted to be a …
- Lifestyle
Teach Yourself: How To Make African Black Soap
by Mary Adeolaby Mary Adeola 1 minutes readApart from that fact that it is rich in Vitamins especially Vitamin A and E, African Black Soap has been known to treat several skin conditions; from Eczema, Stretch Marks, …
- Lifestyle
Benefits Of Virtual Assistant Jobs In Nigeria
by Mary Adeolaby Mary Adeola 2 minutes readA Virtual Assistant is someone who provides services to clients from the comfort of their home. They can access the company’s documents necessary to perform their duties while working/delivering services to …
Love is a beautiful thing and it’s definitely one of the most beautiful things in the world. It makes you feel all the butterflies and magic. There is this feeling …
Starting your natural hair journey can be such a hassle when you don’t know the necessary tools and products to use and how to properly care for it. I could …
- Lifestyle
Goal Setting – How To Set Realistic Goals And Smash Them
by Mary Adeolaby Mary Adeola 9 minutes readGoal setting is very essential in our race as human beings. It helps us track our progress and appreciate how far we’ve come. You may keep thinking you haven’t achieved …
- Lifestyle
Bad Habits To Avoid In Your Haircare Routines
by Mary Adeolaby Mary Adeola 4 minutes readThere are some bad habits that leave your hair in a bad state or make it less moisturised. If you have not been properly taking care of your hair, this …
- Lifestyle
How To Overcome Any Traumatic Experience With Ease
by Mary Adeolaby Mary Adeola 4 minutes readLife is dynamic, life is beautiful and life is also unpredictable. Life takes people through series of episodes some experience happiness, sadness while some live on traumatic experience. If you …
- Inspiration
Frustration: An Enemy To Self Improvement And Growth
by Mary Adeolaby Mary Adeola 8 minutes readFrustration can be likened to the trash that an average youth carries due to unfulfilled desires or dreams. Frustration could come as a result of stagnation – not moving forward …