It distressing to note that a country where crude oil has remained the major revenue source still suffers from fuel scarcity. Naturally, petroleum products should not be a problem for …
Marylin Ezeh
- Lifestyle
4 Quick Tips To Improve Your Public Speaking Skills
by Marylin Ezehby Marylin Ezeh 2 minutes readPublic speaking is terrifying. It has been described as one of the most common fears in the world. Unfortunately, public speaking is required in almost all sectors of the world; …
- Lifestyle
Impact Of Social Media In Your Twenties: Improving Your Self Esteem
by Marylin Ezehby Marylin Ezeh 2 minutes readA friend once complained of going through depression. After inquiries, he confessed that he was intimidated by the flashy lifestyles his peers portrayed online. \Unfortunately he is one of many …
- Lifestyle
Rocking Your Mental Health To Soundness: Live A Better Life
by Marylin Ezehby Marylin Ezeh 2 minutes readIt is important to take care of yourself, your mental health included. Leave behind complications messing with your mind and just breathe! Making simple changes to your routine doesn’t need …