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Children Special: Stop Thinking Everyone Is Better Than You

by Jesse
4 minutes read

In a world where people do startling things daily, the chances of thinking low of yourself are high, but then, it is not a wise thing to do.

We are constantly told as people to believe in ourselves since doing so will enable us aspire higher and accomplish our goals of ours.

However, life’s events would occasionally arise and cause you to doubt your self-esteem. Everyone has moments of self-doubt, but it seems that students and early adolescents are more likely to experience poor self-esteem. According to a research, 19.14 percent of students experience low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem in children and early teenagers is caused by a variety of things, but three main ones are academic stress, academic achievement, and negative outcomes from academic performance.

When you are a student and not performing well academically, you are susceptible to poor self-esteem. You begin to doubt yourself, telling yourself that you are not smart enough, you are not capable of academic greatness, and so on.

Also, you’re vulnerable to low self-esteem, when you’re overwhelmed with academic activities, thereby leading to academic stress and you’re always not at your best under duress.

Academic achievements can lead to low self-esteem, when your peers are doing great academically and they are used as a yardstick for academic success, and you’re not doing so bad yourself, and at the same time, you are not happy achieving academic success with your peers. This would lead to low self-esteem, thereby birthing depression and anxiety in your academic journey and by extension your life.

How to stop thinking everyone is better than you

As a student low self-esteem is sometimes inevitable, but then the ability to overcome it, when it comes, stands you out and helps you to win.

  1. First love yourself: The first step to overcoming poor self-esteem is to love yourself. When you love yourself, the possibility of believing in and having faith in your abilities opens up. Accepting your imperfections and recognizing your areas of weakness, comes from loving yourself. Loving yourself helps you to be realistic to yourself, it takes away the blindfold of pretense. You don’t need anyone to tell you about your academic performance, you become more accountable and responsible for yourself. You will always want to do better because you love yourself.
  2. Believe in yourself and your abilities: Nobody knows you better than you do. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses as a student will help you to make the most of them. It’s possible that what works for someone else won’t work for you, therefore you must have confidence in yourself. Allow others to perform them? Don’t let negative feelings about yourself or your academic performance get you down; instead, believe you can do better and push on.
  3. Don’t be afraid to fail: As humans, it’s always daunting to see others doing better than yourself, the same thing applies to students. I know that tests, quizzes, and exams are difficult, but don’t be afraid. Defeat first happens in your mind, don’t be afraid to fail. Study hard and give it your best and go for it. There’s this saying “failure is not the opposite of success, it’s a part of success.”To further buttress this point, to succeed most times you need to fail only then you can get better and become a success.
  4. Speak highly and positive of yourself: Your imaginations and thoughts are real. When you speak pleasant things about yourself, you draw closer to becoming those things you speak of yourself; your mind becomes open to the possibility of achieving your goal and becoming the best. Daily speak highly of yourself, it helps you to counter and win low self-esteem when it comes.
  5. Be grateful for where you are and your success so far: Gratitude leads to the acceptance of oneself. A grateful heart is a thankful heart, and when you become thankful, you don’t see any reason to think lowly of yourself. As a student, you might not be where you want to be academically, but then you are working towards academic excellence, be grateful for that and watch low self-esteem flee from you.
  6. You’re the best version of yourself: Acknowledging that there’s no one like you helps you to appreciate yourself and your abilities. Your peers might be doing better than you academically. Knowing that they can never be you, and you can never be them, but by rigorous studying and hard work you can achieve academic excellence.


As a student, academic excellence can be attained! Only if you determine and work towards achieving it.
Low self-esteem is inevitable sometimes. But then, it can be overcome. You just have to be intentional about overcoming it.

Read also: Children Special: How To Improve Low Self-Esteem

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