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Diabetes Mellitus – Risks, Causes And Prevention

by Obaniyi Jason Olamide
2 minutes read

Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease of glucose or sugar (breakdown and buildup).

It is a chronic disease condition that predisposes other parts of the body to challenging situations: this disease is a medical challenge. It afflicts all social class and it is sometimes caught late, just like Hypertension.

Many people have been wrongly informed about the disease. Some claim it occurs as a result of high intake of refined sugar. Others think it is just a disease of the rich or old.

However intake of refined sugar may contribute to the etiology or risk of the disease in one way or another but it is not the principal cause.

High blood sugar is more challenging because screening of blood glucose levels is mostly not a routine check for a good number of people, and so it is not detected early.

Numerous myths and conceptions have circulated about the cause and prevention of diabetes mellitus, of which this article is set address.

Types of Diabetes Mellitus

  • Insulin Dependent (Type 1 Diabetes / Juvenile Diabetes) which is usually seen in young people, especially children. There exist a high blood glucose levels due to insufficiency of insulin in blood.
  • Insulin Independent (Type 2 Diabetes) which is the most common type and usually seen in adults. This exists due to high blood sugar resulting from inability to use the available insulin in blood

The focus of this article is on Insulin Independent, Type 2 DM.


Diabetes, in Greek, means siphon – to pass through, while Mellitus, in Latin, means honeyed or sweet.

In other words, Diabetes Mellitus means to pass through sweet or honey. To undergo a state of sweetness which is not a normal occurrence.

Causes or risk factors of Diabetes Mellitus include the following;

  • Family history of diabetes, especially in 1˚ relatives (Parents)
  • Obesity
  • Physical inactivity or lethargic lifestyle.
  • Race/ethnicity (e.g., African American, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander)
  • History of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
  • Delivery of baby >4 kg
  • Hypertension


  • Education on the Disease (what it is)
  • Nutrition – dietary modifications, especially for people that have been diagnosed. Taking of foods less in rich in carbohydrates.
  • Exercise
  • Foot care
  • Self-monitoring of blood glucose or self-testing with basic blood glucometer
  • Skin care
  • Diabetes management before, during, and after exercise

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