It is important to note that there is a difference between media literacy and information literacy. So please let’s not be confused about these two distinct concepts. To make the …
Global MIL Week
- Technology
Global MIL Week 2022: The Imperative Exposition Of Media Literacy
by Priscilla Iwedike 10 minutes readMedia Literacy is an extended form of concept that involves the ability to approach, obtain and use message e.g often from the media, as well as to make the right …
Medium which is the singular for MEDIA is referred to as communication pathways by which information such as messages, news, videos and other forms of data are passed from the …
- Lifestyle
Global MIL Week 2022: Information In The Contemporary World
by Chinwoke Ude-Arinze 10 minutes readInformation is the knowledge that is gotten about someone or something; facts or details about a subject, while knowledge is the understanding of the acquired information. As we begin the …