The children of Adeyipo were so energetic and bold that they kept the company of WILD DOGS! WILD DOGS!! Yaremi stated that the dogs would rush at them in a …
Literature in English
The Road of Life. This was the narrow, slippery, slimy, greasy, crooked river road at Kufi, sloped right in front of the St. Andrews’ Church building through a region of …
- Education
Lonely Days (Summary Of Chapter 2) – SS1 Literature
by Moyosoreoluwa Lawore 3 minutes readHow did Yaremi deal with her grief? Yaremi’s kitchen became her kingdom, more appropriately; hideout. She did a lot of her work there. She would spend so much time washing, …
- Education
Lonely Days (Summary Of Chapter 1) – SS1 Literature
by Moyosoreoluwa Lawore 3 minutes read“Lonely Days” began with the story of death. A man had died. However, “Lonely Days” is not the story of that dead man, but a woman – a lonely woman; …
- Education
Literature In English: Poetry Introduction And Recommended Prose Exploration
by Stella Adetoyese 7 minutes read“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words” – Robert Frost Poetry is a distinct form of expression, utilising carefully chosen words to …
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