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Learning Aid for Children in Nigeria

by Geeky Nigeria
4 minutes read

Learning can be an uneasy process for children, as most times, they are more inclined to playing.

The Learning aid for children in Nigeria isn’t just about making sure the child learns, but also aiding the child to keep learning. so that your presence is no longer needed.

The child should understand how to learn without external assistance, as this would promote faster catch-up, necessary corrections, and better relationships.

You can not always be with your child: most of your child’s time isn’t spent with you. But by aiding your child to learn, you won’t have to worry on whether the child is learning or not.

Learning isn’t limited to academics, as some parents would have their children believe. It extends to societal factors and can affect behaviour as well as education.

A child, who from the onset is taught to learn principally from academics could develop societal issues, as most of the child’s time is being devoted to school subjects.

The child is responsible for learning, as teachers are responsible for teaching, which means teaching cannot be effective without learning. Although, great teachers assist to mold the child’s learning behaviour. They are not frequently found.

To actually learn, the child must develop interest in learning. Nothing worthwhile can be achieved without interest. It spurs attention, and keeps the child engaged in the learning activity.

How to develop learning interests in children?

Begin early with them.

Children do things out of habit, and habit is as a result of what they started to do when they were toddlers. Your behavior towards learning should be the first point of contact for them. For instance, you could be keen on issues that are not clear or take corrections right in front of them.

Build them around a learning environment.

Doing so, would make them grow into it, hence, adapting without external assistance. Although, a change in such environment can affect their social development as well as their academic welfare.

Make them understand “learning does not stop”

Interest and habit can be changed.
As Oxfordbiblographies put it, ” Within psychology, habitual behaviors are defined as actions triggered automatically when people encounter situations in which they have consistently done them in the past.” This, by implication means, when these consistently performed situations are not encountered (as an environment change would have it), habitual behaivours aren’t automatically triggered.
But, by the time, the child grows with the fact that “Learning does not stop”, then environment won’t have to dictate learning.

So what are the aids to help the child learn, you ask? Here they are, from the professional angle of seasoned educators.

1. Visuals as Learning aid for Children in Nigeria

You can force them to read, but you don’t need to force them to see. Visuals that clearly outline certain topics on learning as well as academics are to be placed on strategic places so that the child can easily view them.

At home, Visuals in the form of charts and boards can be placed on a wall in the child’s room. It should be large and visible to always attract attention when the child wakes up or enters the room.

Learning aid for children in Nigeria
Image Courtesy – Graphic Mama

The above board, serves well, for it makes the child understand that learning comes before play. Boards such as this can be gotten from Graphic Mama

Schools are sometimes guilty of not getting the right charts, or getting and not properly positioning them. Charts in schools should be placed towards the school entrance, class entrance and close to the wall where students sit. The aim is to make pupils entering and leaving the school (as well as their classes) to view the charts. In addition, in the class, the charts would aid their learning process.

2. Apps as Learning aid for Children in Nigeria

According to a study carried out by New York University, the use of educational apps for children in their early years can stimulate motivation and engagement.

Android Apps such as Khan academy and Think!Think! can, with guidance, be used to achieve learning.

3. Books as Learning aid for Children in Nigeria

As hard as this aid seems, its place cannot be taken. Books are fundamental to a child’s learning.

The books they read, like visuals, should have sufficient graphics with pictures clearly illustrating each point. This is so they can be captivated and develop interest.

Most children books are found this way.

4. Communication as Learning aid for Children in Nigeria

Communication, in any enterprise, is key. In your effort to aid the child learn, there should be consistent communication.

A child can learn to communicate by watching and listening to you, mimicking your words and actions; hence, the more you communicate with your child, the earlier and quicker they learn.

5. Friendship as Learning aid for Children in Nigeria

It is essential to encourage healthy friendships for the child, as bad friends can negatively influence learning.

By establishing relationships with bad friends, your child is more likely to learn new and bad behaviours, while unlearning the habitual and good ones.

That’s it, the learning aids for children in Nigeria.

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