Maverick John has undergone quite a Dilemma.
His ideals, so far from the norms, are such that poses an inquest into the nature of such a being, and what circumstance actually led to his very definition.
As unfortunate as anyone would put it, John has an anomaly, which happen to stoke the heretical beliefs.
At the moment, John is stranded with a dilemma.
A Dilemma exists as a problem with two possible solutions in which both are equally undesirable.
So how did John find himself in such an awry situation ?
It started earlier in the day, when John was invited to a party. He, without tending to care, entertained rush and anxiety, that they so led him far from the shores of foresight, anchoring him to shun readiness: his anomaly in a nutshell.
John attended this party, with but meager funds that objection itself would outrightly reject.
Now, the party, meeting its eventual end, strands John with a self-imposed Dilemma.
As it were, the innuendo saw him away from ease, ultimately placing him in a vagrant dwelling from which a breakthrough would depend on hope.
John is a figure of some men who do not exercise care in their performances. These ones are piqued and aroused to act quickly without due consideration.
By character, John’s orthodoxy played a role through his mentality. He wasn’t actually on the moment or how it can lead to later. For even as we know, the moments are leading on, which, from an unbiased outlook, do not change us.
John could have easily been on the delusion that the party would ready him or that the moment would auto-magically prep him. Any of which is irrational.
When a event is upcoming, the fundamental requirement is to get it ready before it comes. It is even more founded, if a preliminary can be performed. This would allow for deficiencies to be spotted and filled in.
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