46 GLOSSARY Potency: Active, a power to operate; passive, a capacity to re- ceive. A power is to be understood as that which has a disposition or order to action. Privation: A negation in the subject. The absence of the formal principle required by the state in which the matter actually is. A privation : substance : : a negation : subject. Quality: A disposition of capacities or passive potencies, for the sake of an act; hence the order of operations according to which such a disposition of passive potencies become actual. Quantity: The passive diffusion of matter in a three dimen- sional medium, and the first accident of material substance. Quiddity: An expression used as a neutral term between nature and essence. Usually understood however as equivalent to essence. It stands for the peculiar nature of the thing, not however as the thing is as individuated by conditions of matter but as it is necessarily and primarily according to its mode of being. Relation: A general sign for a possible modification between a and b, or the respect in which one thing stands to an- other thing, as of anything to something. Ad aliquid: the order of one thing to another. Signs, Order of: Genus, difference and property are all predicated necessarily; the distinctions among them rest not on the way in which they are asserted of things, but on the mode in which they signify the things signified by their subjects. Hence such signs are terms in the purely rational science of logic. Substance: Secondary, an analytic analogue (similitude of be- ing, i.e. a nature) as expressed by genus, species, property and difference in the rational order. Aristotle observes that primary substance (a nature) is to secondary substance (the formulae in the intellect) as species is to genus. Truth: A transcendental predicate conformity of essence to
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