“Man know thyself” is a noteworthy saying that comes to mind as I pen down these words.
The knowledge of one’s self is very important in today’s world if we must expand our capability.
A business mogul once said, let your mind think, although it will sweat, let it think.
This means that a thinking mind is an active mind and active minds produce solutions to problems.
Suffix to say that it is important, as humans, to have knowledge of who we are by virtue of thoughts and examination.
We cannot have a good knowledge of who we are until we dig deep.
In light of this, here are few points that can be useful in helping us discover ourselves:
Self-awareness or recognition
A good way to know yourself as an individual is to have a deep thought about this. Do not be biased. No one can know you better than yourself.
Your characters, your charm, what makes you happy or sad, your physical attributes and so on are some of the basic things that makes you human.
It is wise to note these things, whether they are good or bad, so you can work on them.
To analyze something means to dissect or break down it down so as to find out all the necessary details one needs to know about it.
You might want to use the SWOT analysis to do a self analysis on for your self.
Here you take time to know your Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O), and Threats (T).
Generally, it is easy to spot out your strength and weaknesses which talks about the things you are good at.
Opportunities and Threats talk about the platform.
An opportunity is but a chamelion. Some say it is but once, others say it seldom comes twice; easy to come; easy to go.
The regalia that opportunity wears is unpredictable. It can be comely or uncladed. It comes while you are offering a service or taking up some responsibility.
It might appear when you go about doing good but definitely not when you are lying down.
And threats! These are crafts of people and circumstances to stop you from launching your capabilities. They come as competitors, foes, health challenges and others circumstances in life.
In whichever way they come, it is important to know where one is lacking and where there will be need for improvement.
Self-improvement and development.
At this juncture, you will see a need to improve and become better.
Your needs, lapses, deficiencies and wants will be laid bare and bold.
Your aim will definitely be to improve or polish your self. At the end, your strength will be boosted and your weaknesses will drastically reduce.
There are several ways to develop one’s self which are: knowledge acquisition, skill acquisition, attending work shops and seminars that will improve your knowledge in a particular subject or going for tours and volunteering services among others.