In the Beginning
Till date, Nigeria and the whole world is in awe of the 2019/2020 emergence and spread of coronavirus, now known as Covid-19.
It threatened the core structures of existence and living with great turbulence, crippling more lives than leprosy ever did to legs
Millions dead, national and international weeping dominated the media space. One can not console another, everybody losses someone or something.
Many were confined to hospital beds with no forthcoming social support or care from family, friends and colleagues.
Later on
Countries doubled efforts of surveillance, quarantine and monitoring of every foot that steps through land, sea, or air borders.
As a result, Quarantine became the most popular word, seconded by lockdown, hunger and family disputes in the period.
Conspiracy theories dominated the internet space with theists at the centre of it all.
Clerics of various religions admonished all to cling to their maker, ‘for this is one of the signs of end-time’ they said.
Finally, light at the end of the Tunnel!!!
Months passed, time, energy and money sank, and at last, vaccines came floating on top of the scientific resources the generation had and is able to spare.
Still, conspirators wouldn’t rest on their beliefs. Some clerics say the vaccine is the mark of the beast as recorded in their holy books.
Others hold that there are microchips embedded within it aimed at controlling the will of people and spying on their daily lives.
Consequently, the world was separated into factions. Groups take stances and made them public
Some would receive the salvation the vaccines offer, irrespective of the rumours spreading like wildfire.
Another, notably, believe the disease was just a normal respiratory seasonal infection and would soon pass without need for serious medical or political cold feet
The Nigerian Stand
In the background the drama, conspiracies and theories lies an uncommon group of black people/culture residing in a developing country, the acclaimed ‘Giant of Africa’.
These people have great amounts of energy and potential for massive success in all fields, including science, engineering, architecture and art.
In this country, the basic preventive counsel for Covid-19 are disobeyed in an unapologetic manner.
Switching the purpose of some of these measures (use of facemasks, face shields and hand sanitizers) from medical to fashion and class.
Hand-washing basins in public places have become new territories for arachnids and physical distancing was as though it was never a preventive option disseminated by W.H.O.
Words on the streets is that Covid-19 claims publicized by the government structure concerned with disease control is a ‘big sham’.
Nigerians do not act ready for civility or able to accept it. One of the ripple effects of constant subjection to intense corruption.
Low and middle class citizens entrust the attitude of civility to the rich and affluent.
Corruption digs deep and the effects target an important factor for growth, optimism and respect for government opinion
The burden
The habit of respect for internationally recognized principles for prevention, especially in the case of a pandemic such as Covid-19 is important, else, Nigeria would become a reservoir.
- Wear a mask, face shield or glove
- Always wash your hands
- Sanitize with alcohol-based hand sanitizers
- Maintain 2m distance in a public gathering
- Above all, stay informed from reliable sources