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Skincare Tips For Cold, Dry Harmattan

by Priscilla Oboh
3 minutes read

The cold, dry harmattan gets us pretty concerned about skincare products to use and routines to adopt.

This is not absurd considering how pale we will look if we don’t get our skincare act together, especially in harmattan season.

Whether you have an oily or dry skin, it’s advisable to switch up your beauty routine during a cold season because of your skins’ increased thirst for moisture.

In this post, we’ll be covering how you can avoid flakiness and dull skin in winter or harmattan, using the right ingredients for your skin type.

Skincare for Dry Skin

Skincare advice for women with dry skin

Image of a woman with dry skin

If you usually have a feeling of tightness in your skin after bathing or swimming, or your skin looks dry and rough, you have a dry skin. You’ll need more products with hydrating ingredients in cold seasons.

A good hydrating ingredient found in moisturizers made for dry skin is Hyaluronic Acid.

Hyaluronic Acid helps in restoring the skins’ protective barrier. It helps your skin retain moisture instead of losing it.

Other life-saving hydrating ingredients include; Glycerin, Ceramides, Bromelain (especially in facial products), and plant based moisturizers like grape seed oil and aloe juice.

Look out for these ingredients in your moisturizers, facial cleansers, sun screen, and all of your favorite beauty products.

Also, if you exfoliate a lot, that’s a bad idea. A worse idea is exfoliating just as much when it’s freezing outside.

Exfoliating should be lightweight in harmattan or winter. It should not be done more than twice in a week.

Skincare For Oily Skin

Skincare tips for oily skin

A woman with oily skin.
Source: Unsplash

You look beautiful especially when you’re fresh from the bed…morning glow and sun-kissed photos. You have an untapped oil reserve right on your nose…but acne and pimples don’t respect your wealthy status…you’re the perfect oily skin.

Sometimes, you might be tempted to overlook taking extra care of your skin in a cold season because it won’t give you out too soon. But, do not ignore your skin now because it’ll show when the weather is back to moderate. You could lose a lot of moisture and risk having a dry skin.

For your face, where your oil reserve lives, use a Gel Cleanser. Gel Cleansers provide the deep cleansing an oily skin needs without striping the skin of moisture. For other parts of your body, products with Salicylic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, or Vitamin C, are a must-have to keep you acne and pimples free.

To keep in your good oil, you’ll need to supplement your natural supply by using Oil Free and Non-Comedogenic Moisturizers.

These moisturizers are best because they do not clog your pores. Vitamin E is another ingredient you should avoid if you don’t want clogged pores.

In summary, you should pay extra attention to what you feed your skin. Take a good look at the product labels before you pick a product in this season.

One more thing, add a night cream to your regime to replenish any moisture that has been lost during the day.

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