MTN group plans to rebrand its company from telecommunications to technology.
The move means that MTN, as a tech company will offer tech and telecoms services, even as tech professionals and digital experts would be employed to facilitate the rebranding process.
The transition is expected to roll out on February 27, 2022. Although MTN has already adopted a new logo, which according to them, is aligned towards their evolution from a telecommunications company to a technology company.
The new MTN logo isn’t the time-worn ‘white, yellow and red lettering’, surrounded by an oval shape on a yellow background. It has black MTN letterings throughout in an oval shape with black outline on the same yellow background.
At MTN’s group head office on the corner of 14th Avenue, Roodepoort, you would see the new corporate branding of MTN, where the term “Y’ello” is stated in white below the MTN logo, as opposed to the trite “Every where you go”.
Morafo, In a statement, affirmed that the new-look branding forms part of the group’s “Ambition 2025” strategy, which is aimed at creating “leading digital platforms for Africa’s progress”
“Our commitment and focus to accelerate Africa’s progress sees MTN revealing a refreshed brand identity and campaign from 27 February. The campaign is inspired by the insight that doing is a bridge between can and done, because all progress comes from action,” Morafo said.
In Nigeria, we expect the rebranding to create jobs for tech professionals and fresh graduates as there would be opportunities for UX and UI designers; Product owners; Performance marketers; Digital content specialists; E-commerce experts; Full-stack developers; Scrum masters; Business analysts.