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Good Friday: The Life Of Jesus In Pictures

by Geeky Nigeria
1 minutes read

Today, April 15 is Good Friday. A special day for remembering the crucifixion of Jesus and his death on the cross.

Every Good Friday (also known as Holy Friday or Great Friday), Christians alike gather to observe fasting and church services. In some churches, a special service called “Three Hours’ Agony” is held from noon till 3pm to mark the three hours of Christ’s hanging at the cross.

In keeping up with the commemoration, Geeky Nigeria presents the life of Jesus in pictures (from birth to death).

Tap on a picture to magnify:

Jesus is born in a manger because all the travelers overcrowded the guest rooms - Luke 2:7
After three days of searching for Jesus, they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions; and all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers - Luke 2:41-52
Jesus' baptism symbolized the sinners’ baptism into the righteousness of Christ, dying with Him and rising free from sin and able to walk in the newness of life - Matthew 3:13-17
After 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, Jesus was tempted by the devil - Matthew 4:1-11
Jesus called disciples to catch people, meaning that he would show them how to bring people back to God - Mark 1:16 -20
Jesus walked on water through his faith in God. But Peter walked in faith before he stumbled. We need the faith that allowed Peter and Jesus to walk on water - Matthew 14:22-33
Jesus fed 5,000 using five loaves and two fish brought forward by a boy to feed a multitude - John 6:1-14
The bleeding woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years was healed by touching Jesus - Mark 5:25-34
Lazarus had been dead for four days, and Jesus visited his tomb to raise him up - John 11:1–44
The final meal shared by Jesus and his disciples - Luke 22: 7-23
Jesus went with his disciples to the garden of Gethsemane to pray - Matthew 26:36-56
Jesus was arrested after Judas betrayed him with a kiss - Matthew 26:47-56
After Jesus was arrested, he was put on trial by the Sanhedrin - Matthew 26:57-68
Jesus carried his cross to Calvary (Golgotha) to be crucified - John 19:16-17
Jesus was crucified with two thieves. The accusation was claiming to be "King of the Jews" - Matthew 27:37

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