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Children’s Special: Coping With A New School

by Jesse
3 minutes read

Change they say is constant, but when it comes at the expense of your time, life, and the things you hold dearly, it becomes worrisome.

I was that guy who changes school every new academic session; all thanks to my Dad’s profession. 

My dad is a military personnel, so he is always on transfer. I was always the new guy. I had a ton of friends because I made new friends in every new school I went to.

I got to this new school, and I met amazing people that turned into best friends. I started building relationships and my life from there, but all of these got ruined because I had to be transferred to a new school. 

Many students have suffered from this fate and many would. The ability to fit in and make the best of it stands you out.

In a few minutes, I will be walking you through how I was able to cope with my new school.

It’s okay to be anxious

I want you to know that anxiety would come, but it’s okay to be anxious: fear of meeting new people, leaving behind the people you love and cherish so much, fear of being In a new environment, even fear of meeting the expectations of your new school, would always get a grip of you. It’s okay to feel this way, but don’t let it consume you.

Instead of being frustrated, turn that frustration to your light. See your constant change of school as an opportunity to meet new people and build a great circle of friends and net worth, and as well work hard to sustain these relationships. Also, see it as an opportunity to visit different schools and learn from them all.

Don’t throw yourself at others

Most times, because we want to be accepted and are afraid of being rejected, when we get into a new school, we try to make friends at all costs, so we don’t feel lonely. It’s not a bad thing, but when you become desperate to the point of throwing yourself at these people. It is then bad.

Just take your time and make good friends.

Make positive friends

One of the things that would make your stay in these schools interesting and exciting are friends. Not just friends, but positive ones.

Be open to making great friends; people of value and watch how exciting your stay would be.

Be at your best

Always know that you are the new guy or girl and as such you draw a bit of attention to yourself.

Don’t be intimidated by your new classmates’ or peers’ academic success. Strive for the best and keep on thriving.

Be physically, emotionally, and mentally ready

At that point changing my school wasn’t a big deal anymore. I became ready for it. To cope with changing to a new school, be emotionally and mentally ready, this would help you to overcome any challenge you might encounter.


Change is indeed constant. When faced with it, accept it and make the best of it. 

Coping in a new school is always difficult. But always remember it’s okay to be anxious, but turn that anxiousness into excitement, make friends with people of great value, always be at your best and lastly, be physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally ready for this change.

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