Anything worth doing at all is worth giving your all.
There was once a scientist who spent all his adult life researching a cure for stomach ulcers.
He had to drink a chemical to infect himself with the ailment so he could test his thesis on himself. He was so dedicated and passionate about his research that he got infected to experiment with his invention. Guess what? He proved his research to be valid.
Dedication means investing time, energy, and resources into something because it is essential or a life-long passion.
Dedication is committing to a course of action and seeing it through to completion despite opposition.
Signs of Dedication
- Visionary – Vision is a trait of a dedicated person. Dedicated people know their destination and are willing to do what it takes to get there.
- Adaptable – They can adapt to any situation and make any change needed so long it will aid the journey to their goals.
- Passionate – Passion and dedication are almost inseparable. It is impossible to dedicate yourself to something when you lack the zeal for it.
- Helpful – Passionate people are helpful to team members. It is always enjoyable working in a team of passionate and dedicated people. Division of labor, teamwork and team building is never lacking. Everyone is always willing and ready to help one another contribute toward the course.
- Goal-oriented – The eyes of a dedicated person are always on the goal unwaveringly.
- Resourceful – They are always ready to make do with what is available to achieve the result they desire.
- Proactive – They think of problems and prepare for them before they happen. Dedicated people are always aware and ready for unforeseen incidents. They prepare for damage control in case of eventualities.
- Honorable – They stand by their word and deliver on schedule, even if it means hell will freeze over. They stand by their promises and do not take their words lightly. They are people of integrity because they know the cost of doing otherwise and that it is detrimental to their goals.
- Non-excuse giver – Dedicated people have no time to give excuses. They do the task given without complaints or excuses.
- Responsible – They have a heightened sense of responsibility.
- Own-up to mistakes – They are not ashamqed or afraid to own up to their mistakes. They believe that infallibility is good, but in case of errors, they own up and are willing to learn from it.
- Patient – Patience is a virtue for dedicated people.
- Plan & Act – They plan and act to achieve their goals. They will not just set goals and sit on their oases, waiting for someone to push them to action.
Who is Tyler Perry?
Emmitt Perry Jnr (Tyler Perry) is a writer, producer, and acclaimed author.
From his biography, Tyler Perry is one person that depicts all the signs of dedication and more as he journeyed from nonentity to being the famous filmmaker who would become a global sensation and a force of reckoning in the movie industry globally.
His story has inspired and kept inspiring people all around the world. Although, he was not all these things when he was born on the 13th of September 1969 in the little town of Louisiana.
His Difficult Childhood Experiences
He was named after his father, Emmitt Perry, who abused him in every way possible for any human. He had an unflattering childhood being one of four children.
Perry grew up depressed with a feeling of worthlessness, having been subjected to all kinds of abuse by four other adults. He dropped out of school and attempted suicide twice when things were not going as hoped.
Emmit Perry later moved away from home and renamed himself Tyler because he did not want a reminder of a terrible father who subjected him to an awful childhood.
He was so poor that he lived in a car because he could not afford a room. He worked all kinds of odd jobs, but he wanted a breakthrough.
Ray Of Hope
On one particular day after another suicide attempt, he heard Oprah-Winfrey announce to her viewers that the best way to cope with bad days is to keep journals. Keeping journals help to translate the mystery of the mind and makes it an easier burden to bear. Oprah was an authority on this particular subject because she also had her fair share of bad days, making it easy for Tyler to believe her and give her theory a trial.
Tyler started journaling to keep sane. He sure thought to himself: Maybe someone can read this journal one day and feel inspired.
It must have been difficult penning down all those horrible experiences, but he wanted freedom from his nightmares and the only way to get it at the time was to write it down. He gave himself to writing his thoughts and experiences even on days he felt like taking his own life.
He dedicated himself to writing without the intention of making money. The goal was to keep sane in an insane world. Oprah must have given him more than a piece of advice but also a glimmer of hope because he started saving from his odd jobs with the intention of maybe, just maybe, he could making lemonade from the lemon his life had become.
His First Failure
He saved enough money to make a play from the experiences, which he kept as a journal in 1992. But unfortunately, every single 12000 dollars worth of effort was wasted because all the seats were empty. No one was interested in watching a play from a struggling Louisiana boy.
Disappointed yet dedicated and determined, Perry continued to work odd jobs while reworking the show. He staged the show in several other cities, but success still eluded him. Broke Perry was living out of his car for a time.
Breakthrough For Tyler Perry
In 1998, Perry tried one more time to win over theater audiences. He rented out the House of Blues in Atlanta for another production of his debut play. Soon Perry was performing to sellout crowds, and the musical moved to a larger theater. After so many years of hard work, he had finally earned critical acclaim and commercial success.
If you have never watched any movie on Madea, I suggest you do so. Not only is the character played by Tyler Perry himself hilarious but inspiring, and I bet you cannot get enough of comical Medea doing his thing and going home with the bag each time.
Tyler is both famously known and currently worth billions of dollars. It is a remarkable achievement for a man who was once homeless. But not a surprise, given his dedication despite his initial failures. A less dedicated man would have given up.
He had a goal and a vision at the beginning of his career- to inspire the world with his story; he did and was successful at it.
Lessons Learned from Tyler Perry
Money was not his initial driving force. He wanted to reach out through his journals. It is tasking for anyone to recount a horrible experience, but he did it anyway.
He never gave up, even when he failed. He was ready to use himself as a guinea pig to heal the world, however small he could.
He did not allow his foundation to define him. He was tired and almost took his own life. So it is okay to feel tired and unmotivated, but suicide is never an option. It just emphasizes failure when you give in to it.
Life sometimes is cruel. And we do not get to choose our roots, but we can sure choose our destination with the necessary qualities in place. Be not ashamed to display your scars; they are symbols of honor you should wear them like a badge.
Your victory is in your battles. Fight and fight it to the finish. Do not make failure a destination. Instead, make it a stepping stone to success. A fallback is always an avenue for another comeback.
Dedicate yourself to what gives your life true meaning and purpose, and make a positive difference in lives.