Living a healthy lifestyle is very important.
The teenage age is a very important stage of a child’s life, this is where they pick up traits that will grow with them to adulthood. Exposing your teenage boy to good hygiene helps create a healthy adult. As a parent, you have a role to play because you may think they know how to care for themselves but most of these teens still need proper tips on how to stay clean and improve good hygiene.
Important Hygiene Tips For Teenage Boys.
Bath Regularly
Perspiration tends to increase in teenage age, and sweat patch form in different parts of the body, especially under the arm. Regular bath with clean water and soap help keeps your teenage boy fresh and neat reducing the chances of body odour and foul smell. I am sure you don’t want to go around polluting the air, do you?
Brushing Your Teeth
Bad breath is a no-no for teenage boys as it reduces their confidence and esteem. Bad breaths form easily during teenage age as they are exposed to a wild variety of food and drinks. Brushing your teeth and tongue at least twice a day gives you fresh breath and kicks out bad breath. Also, visiting a dentist regularly should be introduced.
Wearing neat clothes
Teenagers sweat a lot, and it is not advisable to wear a particular cloth twice before washing as this is the practice of a lot of teenagers. Always wash your clothes before you wear them again, and wear fresh pair of clothing after every bath. Also, maintain a nice and neat haircut and hairstyle to avoid dandruff and lice infestation on their head.
Don’t keep long nails
Most times teenage tend to go with fashion trends and keeping long nails is very fashionable at the moment, but is this hygienic? It’s unhealthy to keep long nails, as it can easily become a nest for germs. Your fingernails should be properly trimmed with the use of nail clips and a cutter. Do not use your teeth to cut your nails.
Their skin must be well moisturized daily, applying moisturizer after regular baths is recommended for teenage boys. It is recommended for teenage boys to shower at least twice a day. It is essential to use soap free of harsh chemicals while taking a bath. Always focus on your underarms and places where sweat accumulates.
The teenage boy’s health is very important and should not be taken with levity and as parents, it is also important that we pass down good hygiene practices to our children. Maintaining good healthcare is wealth.