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Digital Detox And Mindfulness

by Faith Akintola
4 minutes read

To maintain a balance between the ratio of this technology-driven world and human connections, there is a need to practice digital detox and mindfulness.

We live in a world where almost everything is digitised. This reliance on electronic devices usually makes it difficult to engage in important practices like mindfulness.

Digital detox does not mean cutting all ties to technology. Rather, it indicates a particular period in which a person intentionally stays away from digital devices and platforms like computers, social media platforms, smartphones, and Tablets, to mention a few. The interesting part is that abstaining from these digital devices helps to improve overall well-being, concentration, and productivity. For this reason, it is essential to set aside specific times to stay away from all of this and practice mindfulness.

When practising digital detox, you need to:

  • Stay mindful of your social media usage,
  • Set limits with your digital gadgets,
  • Constantly include digital detox as a part of your self-care routine,
  • Find other means to unwind and relax like discovering new hobbies and engaging in recreational activities.

Mindfulness on the other hand refers to the process of being fully committed to the present moment. It entails paying utmost attention to your surroundings, feelings, and thoughts.

This way, you don’t have to miss out on those beautiful moments life presents from time to time. Someone who practices mindfulness gets less anxious and can usually control their emotions. This is the outcome of the techniques like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing used to achieve mindfulness.

Digital detox and mindfulness are peas in a pod. In that, they perform similar functions and can even do better when combined. Whenever an individual takes a break from the digital space, they become more connected to their surroundings which in turn triggers mindfulness. Mindfulness and digital detox create a balance that, if achieved, can lead to a healthier lifestyle and a great sense of being.

Benefits of Digital Detox and Mindfulness

It is important to note that the combination of these two lifestyle techniques offers several benefits for both physical and mental health. Here are some of the major ones:

  • Quality Sleep: The blue light emitted from digital screens constantly interferes with the sleep-wake cycle. Hence, less screen time, especially before going to bed, can help get better rest that rejuvenates the body.
  • Enhances Focus: People in the 21st century get easily distracted physically and mentally. That is, they are so busy thinking about different things that their mind becomes so noisy that they lack awareness of the present time. However, mindfulness helps the mind to focus on one thing at a time. It also improves overall cognitive abilities and helps to live a productive life.
  • Lessens Stress: Disconnecting from the technology world gives you a break from the consistent overload of notifications and information and helps you relax. A constant presence in the digital space keeps the brain alert and stimulates it to work overtime, hence, resulting in stress.
  • Builds Relationships: Some people are so glued to their digital devices that they have no physical social life. Taking a digital detox helps to form lasting relationships and improves communication with people in the present.
  • Increases Mental Strength: Stress is a common issue that ails most people who live in this digital world. This stems from doing too many things at the same time. However, a digital detox helps individuals to take time to monitor their emotions and pace. This builds resilience to remain strong in difficult situations rather than cowering away.
  • Improves Productivity: Digital distractions are real. It refers to the process of being so engrossed in the online space that you forget all the other things outside it. Therefore, limiting your time on digital platforms like X, Instagram, etc., can help complete tasks more efficiently.
  • Encourages Self-Awareness: Digital detox helps you self-reflect often and gain a deeper comprehension of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. You also get to care about these things for other people too.

Combining all of these benefits of mindfulness and digital detox leads to better overall health. In that, there is an improvement in immune function, less spiking of blood pressure, and better pain management. Practising these helps you live in the moment to enjoy and appreciate all that you’ve been blessed with, without taking any for granted.


Researched by: Olamide Opebiyi


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