The choice of parenting style you make as a parent has a major influence on your children’s development, their behavioural patterns, and even how they relate to the outside world. …
Parents’ Corner
- Lifestyle
Parents’ Corner: Building Quality Relationships In Your Family
by Oluwadara Adetula 3 minutes readThe family is the smallest institution in the society and it decides majority of what happens in our world. Noteworthy figures who have made exceptional achievements have risen from this …
- Inspiration
Parents’ Corner: How To Become Your Child’s Foremost Role Model
by Titi Femi-Odusoga 5 minutes readI wish parents are the number one role models for their children but unfortunately, that is most often not the reality. Who is a role model? A role model is …
- Lifestyle
Parents’ Corner: Which Style Are You Using For Your Children?
by Ernest Favour 5 minutes readThe act of raising children is a big deal! This is because it is what shapes a child’s future or mares it. I know you must have heard that “Education …
Home schooling is an alternative to the traditional private or public school system of education.It simply means education of children at home by their parents. Home schooling is becoming popular …
With many parents coming back from work tired and so stressed after a full day out trying to provide for their families, they definitely need help with assistance at home …
They say that no matter how old a person is, they remain a child in the eyes of their parents. The agenda is for the child to be emotionally balanced …
- Education
Parents’ Corner: 6 Tips To Support Your Child’s Homeschooling
by Becky .O. Ayinde 3 minutes readParents and teachers play an important role in a child’s upbringing. However, as a parent, your child’s education is topmost priority and should be taken seriously. You are the main …
- Lifestyle
Parents’ Corner: Dealing With Sibling Rivalry
by Emediong Udoby Emediong Udo 4 minutes readAlthough a good number of siblings become best friends from a very young age and even into adulthood, it is also common to have siblings who fight while they go …
- Lifestyle
Parent’s Corner: Why You Should Not Insult Your Children
by Priscillia Uzomah 3 minutes readBe careful with your children. Negative words you say to them can affect them psychologically. We have this African culture of using insults to correct a child. When the child …