Partying and merriment is an essential part of our social lives.
We celebrate victories, winnings, advancements, promotions and so on. We make long-term memories and imprint it on the tablets of our minds.
Partying has evolved overtime to a more sophisticated and dangerous event; fights have ensued in some, killings and disagreements in others. There are reported cases of wound-digging and daring, secret leaking and dangerous tasking.
Partying is not restricted to any age group but alcoholic drinks, cigarette smoking, and substance use are. Irrespective, the majority of persons falling in the wake of the damning effects of these materials are young people. Most adults drink and smoke socially but young people almost always do it in no particular way and for no particular reason. This has improved the number of addicts and has had adverse effect on the societal outputs of various communities. Crime and criminality is also on the rise
Medically and scientifically, these substances have proven to have some form of brain influencing abilities and alteration of the fabric of reality in a way. They afford the possibility of escaping from reality.
Getting high can or may be fun or funny, the truth is, getting high is living on a high voltage cable, waiting for the day current will run through it.
Substances and materials of ‘highness’ is implicated in almost 90% of diseases conditions that can befall an individual as he/she ages. They have more damming effect on the cardiovascular system, one of the greatest cause of untimely death. The other systems at risk include the respiratory system, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal system, genitourinary system, blood, and so on.
On the cardiovascular system, these substances predispose to Heart Attack, Hypertension, Cardiac Failure, Shock, and eventual death. On the respiratory system, they are implicated in different cancers of the Lungs and other diseases relating to that system. On the nervous system, they can lead to mental imbalances; psychotic disorders, delirium, and so on. On the gastrointestinal system, a number of cancer, Diabetes Mellitus etc.
Getting high is actually getting below the average life expectancy. If you must drink or smoke or do both at all, do it socially, do not make it an essential part of living. If you feel you must drink or smoke more than two bottles a week or half pack a month, book with a psychiatrist, let the specialist guide your consumption. If you’re trying to reduce your intake, make an appointment with your doctor, be plain, be straightforward and trust his guidance.