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Children Special: How My Favorite Teacher Raped Me

by Jesse
8 minutes read

On the 28th of September 2015 , I met a young man that I showed my weaknesses, strengths, and fun moments.

Every new academic session, corpers are always deployed to my school. I have not been a fan of corpers, not until Corper Emmanuel showed up. I can still remember vividly the day our path crossed; the day he first spoke to me.

It was a challenging afternoon in school that day, we were having a debate competition, in my class, among the opposite genders. A few corpers officiated the competition. Corper Emmanuel showed up almost immediately after I was done speaking.

The entire class stood up to join their hands in clapping for me, but then I noticed these specific hands, it was as loud as thunderstorms, and it was also accompanied by a shout of “wow! I’m impressed.”I turned to see the person cheering me up in an enthusiastic manner, only for me to see Corper Emmanuel, I just smiled! At him, and then said. “Thank you!”.

After the debate competition, he approached me to tell me how impressed he was with my debate speech, and how much of a great lawyer I would be if I eventually go for it as a discipline. Right from that day, I found myself a school father and a favorite school teacher. I was referred to as Corper Emmanuel’s daughter.

I was preferred in my class and my school, because of associating with Corper Emmanuel, I enjoyed school royalties because of this association.

Corper Emmanuel’s lifestyle and mannerisms drew me closer to him. He was a lover of God, those lovely moments he preached the gospel of Christ to me are still with me, just that they are blinded by the devastating moment I later gag with him.

He was a sexual purity activist, he always advised me to stay away from sexual perversion. Oh, hell! He even went as far as warning any guy that has advanced towards me. He helped me to achieve academic excellence, by tutoring me.

My parents noticed the improvement in my academics and inquired about the reason for the recent change. I told them that it was my school teacher, Corper Emmanuel, that had caused this change. And they went ahead to invite him to our house, he became a family friend and part of my life.

Corper Emmanuel became a shoulder to lean on, a friend and big brother to confide in, only if I had known that I was only giving him the chance to take what I treasure most.

11 months into the friendship, he came to visit me. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, my dad had stepped out already, just myself, my mom, and the housekeeper. It was normal for him to come to stay with me inside my room, as a level of trust has been established due to his lifestyle and impact on my life and academics. So, it was just like every other day he visits.

When he came, I was rounding up with what I was doing, and my initial plan was to take a quick nap, and then he came, though his presence was not going to change my plans because he has watched me sleep a couple of times, so, it wasn’t a big deal to watch me do so now.

10 minutes into my sleep, I felt a hand all over me, not sure of what was happening, I woke up, only to see Corper Emmanuel on top of me, I was shocked and surprised at the same time.

In order not to create an embarrassing scene, I didn’t scream. The dumbest thing I’ve ever done.

“Corper E, like I fondly call him, what is it?”I asked with both hands up, what is wrong with you?

“Jessica! I am sorry! But I can’t control myself anymore, I have always envisioned my body with yours in a sexual way, I’ve been trying to control myself, but not anymore.”He said in a serious tone.

“What are you saying? Cooper E, can you even hear yourself? I’m your school daughter and kid sister for Christ’s sake, come to think it, you have always preached against premarital sex, what happened?”

Before I could say another word, he forcefully covered my mouth with his fierce hands. I couldn’t scream, even if I do, I doubt if anyone would hear me. My room is upstairs. After vigorous struggles, he overpowered me, I knew he was going to overpower me. A 15-year-old girl struggling with a 29-year-old high man, who do you think would win?

He has his way with me, uncle E, raped me! He took the most treasured thing in my life.

I have always wished to keep my virginity for the man I would marry. I remember watching a Youtube video of a newly wedded bride. I envied how she audaciously spoke about keeping her virginity and giving it to the man she married. That her wedding night was the best night of her life so far, she felt fulfilled as she went intimate with her husband. It was a heavenly experience.

I was looking forward to experiencing it too. But not anymore, my favorite school teacher has deprived me of this heavenly experience.

After raping me, he pleaded that I should keep this between us, that he didn’t know what got into him, I should forgive him, that he regrets what he has done.

If I should speak up, his life is going to be ruined. Seriously? He’s talking about ruining his life? He just ruined mine!

Well, I never wanted to be the one that is going to ruin my favorite teacher’s life and career. He will be passing out by next month.

Come to think of it, he might be telling the truth. Probably a demon possessed him or something because it is not uncle E, that fervently and enthusiastically preached about sexual immortality, that just took away my pride.

I kept it to myself!

I believed his lies, I suffered the pains alone, inside of me without anyone knowing what I was going through. I thought about suicide, that I didn’t end up taking my life back then is something I’m grateful to God for.

A few years later, I saw on news of an employer sexually harassing his employees and was being arraigned in court for sexual harassment, and Behold!  it was Corper Emmanuel.

I felt a little bit disappointed in myself, I gave him freedom after he took advantage of me, thinking what he did was not intentional not knowing that he did it intentionally and takes pleasure in doing so.

These may walk freely from assaulting their victims, at least that’s what they think. They might not experience it right away, but karma would eventually catch up with them.

It’s been 7 years already, after this devastating incident, but it still feels fresh to me.

I was sexually harassed by my favorite school teacher. Not again! Would it happen? I know better today!

Sexual Harassment

In our world today, sexual harassment is a norm, employees are sexually harassed by their bosses, students by their teachers, church members by their pastors and religious leaders, teenagers by their trusted uncles and aunties, and mentees by their mentors.
You just name it.

But then, the sexual harassment that looks common today, is that of students by teachers and teenagers by trusted relatives. These are more vulnerable to the plague of sexual harassment.

Preventing Sexual Harassment Of Students

Prevention is always the better route to take.

Anxiety, sadness, weight loss or gain, nausea, low self-esteem, and sexual dysfunction affect 90 to 95 percent of sexually harassed women, according to research compiled by equal rights and advocacy, a women’s law center in the United States.

As a parent, for your children not to experience sexual harassment and the aftermath effects of it, you have a huge role to play.

  1. Creating a bond and a beautiful relationship with your children: Over time, it has been proven that victims of sexual harassment, hardly speak up, having a bonding relationship with your children is creating enabling environment for your children to speak to you, concerning anything and everything.
  2. Let your children be accountable to you: Accountability leads to openness and transparency. If your children are accountable to you, they will be careful in everything they do, and the company they keep. And you being responsible for them gives them a sense of security, knowing that my parents would always come through for me: defend me, protect me, and believe in me. When this happens, you become the first person to know about everything happening in their lives and they can confide in you.
  3. Educate Your Children on Sex Education: Most parents find it abnormal to educate their children on sex education. No doubt, sex, it’s a sensitive topic. But in this part of the world when you can learn anything and everything in a twinkle of an eye. Educating your children on sex education is the best thing to do, as you get to prepare their minds against any sexual education that would corrupt their minds. The truth is, if you don’t educate them, someone else will. Introduce to them all the bodily parts. Help them realize that no one else is allowed to play with these components; they are only for them. Show them the red zones of their body.

Advise them to always speak up whenever they are sexually harassed. Sexual harassment is wrong and as such should not be tolerated, irrespective of who is coming from.

If for any reason you are sexually harassed in school, church, mosque, home, or anywhere else, do well to speak up and confide in someone.

Also, keep away from anything that would lead to sexual harassment.

READ ALSO: Children Special: Can I Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

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